Subject: front to rear reversals From: Tim Cox <tcox(at)GEOPHY.CURTIN.EDU.AU> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 07:04:54 +0800Dear list, Just thought I would put forward an observation on front to rear reversals in binaural recordings. It seems to me that this term is misleading. Rather than a frontal image in the median plane being interpreted as a rear image, it appears to be more the case that frontal images in the median plane are interpreted as "in head" rather than "out of head" (laterisation as opposed to localisation}. Typically normal stereo recordings listened through headphones appear to be in head and to the rear of the head - although still inside. Interpretative confusion of the front median plane cues in my opinion therefore do not cause a rear localised image, but rather a laterised stereo image. Tim Cox