Subject: postdoctoral research position From: "Summers, Walter V WRAMC-Wash DC" <Walter.Summers(at)NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL> Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:03:49 -0400A postdoctoral research position is available in the Research Section of the Army Audiology and Speech Center at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. The position is in support of an NIH grant investigating effects of sensorineural hearing loss on auditory processing and speech perception and is supported through 2002. The postdoc will be involved in all aspects of studies examining the psychoacoustic abilities of listeners with normal hearing and listeners with sensorineural hearing loss. The research is aimed at more accurately characterizing the influences of sensorineural loss on auditory processing. The RA will also develop new research projects dealing with normal and impaired auditory processing. Candidates must have a doctoral degree in a field related to hearing science. Computer programming skills are desirable (Pascal, Unix, Matlab). Position is full time. Salary is dependent upon qualifications with a minimum of approximately $40,000. Please mail or email letter of interest describing qualifications to: Van Summers, Ph.D. Research Section Army Audiology and Speech Center Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C. 20307-5001. email: walter.summers(at) voice: 202 782 8585