Subject: Data trasfer from Aurical From: Motzl <Matthias.Latzel(at)HNO.MED.UNI-GIESSEN.DE> Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 11:36:31 +0200Dear list members, in our department we use the Madson Aurical equipment for hearing aid evaluation. In this connection we use this tool to make real ear measurements (REM). As this equipment has been taylored to be used by the hearing aid dispensers the REM tool is only to visualize what's going on at the ear drum and the dispenser has no access to the data. I look for a tool to read out the (binary) data (I think it is Paradox format) of the REM in an ASCII format. Does anybody of you have already invented something he would provide me with? Thanks a lot, Matthias. ___________________________________________ Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Latzel HNO-Klinik der Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Funktionsbereich Audiologie Feulgenstr. 10 35385 Giessen, Germany Tel.: (+49) 641 99-43794 FAX: (+49) 641 99-43799