Subject: Language Vision and Music From: Niall Griffith <niall.griffith(at)UL.IE> Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:11:27 GMTDear Colleague, Here is the call for papers for CSNLP-8, Galway, Ireland (9-11 August, 1999) We would be grateful if you would distribute the call. Sincerely, Dr. Paul Mc Kevitt Dr. Conn Mulvihill Dr. Se/an /O Nuall/ain LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL The Eighth International Workshop on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP-8) ( "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) GALWAY, IRELAND Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th August, 1999 in association with: "Mind-IV: TWO SCIENCES OF MIND" (Monday 16th - Thursday 19th August, 1999) (Dublin City University, Ireland) ( "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" What common cognitive patterns underlie our competence in these disparate modes of thought?? Language (natural & formal), vision and music seem to share at least the following attributes: a hierarchical organisation of constituents, recursivity, metaphor, the possibility of self-reference, ambiguity, and systematicity. Can we propose the existence of a general symbol system with instantiations in these three modes or is the only commonality to be found at the level of such entities as cerebral columnar automna?? Also, we invite papers which examine cross-cultural experience of these modalities. What can Engineering of software platforms for integrated Intelligent MultiModal & MultiMedia processing of language/vision/music/etc. tell us?? TOPICS INCLUDE: o combinations: language and music; language and vision; music and vision. o What can Engineering of software platforms (e.g. AAU CHAMELEON; c.f. for integrated Intelligent MultiMedia processing of language/vision/etc. tell us?? o Metaphor: For example: the use of terms like "interval" and "range" in music. o Rhythm: How is Rhythm important for language, vision and music?? o Acoustics: What role does it play in the three modalities?? o The roles of embodiment and culture in the formation of symbolic apparati; For example: the use of gesture in face-to-face communication. o Emotions: what role do they play in the three modalities?? o Synesthesia o What the visual, musical and linguistic arts can tell us. o What is the developmental relationship between prosody and music?? What is the cognitive evidence for the dependence of music on language?? o Can we speak meaningfully about a semantics of music?? o Architectures for integration of language, vision and music; what aspects are conscious and what automatic?? What aspects are common and what are specific to each?? o What is the role of modelling creativity?? Are the creative processes similar or in what way are they different?? SPECIAL SESSION ON CREATIVITY: In AI we have failed to get much handle on creativity. Conn Mulvihill will Chair a special session on creativity looking at writing, poetry, painting, and music composition. Irish Nobel Prize Laureate Seamus Heaney is composing a translation of Beowulf at present with special attention to the sound - reminiscent of movement in a longship type craft and there are those that claim that music is central to any hope of understanding Joyce. We think also of the likes of Kandinsky here. Is Joyce prose or music? Is Kandinsky art or music?? What is Picasso? What are the links between language, vision and music?? Is creativity the same for each? and by the way, What is creativity?? It is intended to involve Writers in Residence at NUI, Galway Pat McCabe ("The Butcher Boy") & Paula Meehan (Poet). o Are recent trends towards integrating ideas in the Arts/Humanities and Sciences/Engineering important here?? o Why are there many arts and not just one?? CSNLP: The International Workshop on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP) has been run in IRELAND since 1992. The CSNLP-8 workshop will continue the tradition of emphasising presentations of Ireland's and International original research in all areas of the Cognitive Science of NLP including Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Neuroscience and related disciplines on the obvious problems of speech, NLP, and vision processing, robotics, learning, reasoning, knowledge representation and mobile/remote computing. Papers addressing this year's theme are particularly welcome. CSNLP-8 CONFIRMED INVITED SPEAKER *** Mark Steedman *** Division of Informatics University of Edinburgh, Scotland LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MARK STEEDMAN has recently become Professor of Cognitive Science in the Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland after a move from the University of Pennsylvania, US where he was a Professor of Computer and Infomation Science. He is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. His research spans a wide range of issues in lingusitcs and computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science and cognitive science, including syntax and semantics of natural languages and programming languages, parsing and comprehension of natural language discourse by humans and by machine, natural language generation, and spoken discourse, as well as the analysis of music by humans and machines. He has published widely in linguistic, computational, and psychological arenas. Much of his current NLP research is addressed to issues in spoken discourse and dialogue, especially the meaning of intonation and prosody, using the framework of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) which he helped to develop. ( LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL We may have other invited speakers and these will be announced in the call for participation. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HOSTED BY: THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY OF IRELAND (CSSI) 2 Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AI) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) GALWAY, IRELAND CHAIRS: Paul Mc Kevitt (Aalborg University, Denmark & University of Sheffield, England) Conn Mulvihill (National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), Ireland) Se/an /O Nuall/ain (Dublin City University, Ireland) CSNLP-8 (LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC) PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Liam Bannon (University of Limerick & Xerox PARC, Stanford, US) John Barnden (University of Birmingham, England) Bill Barry (University of Sarbruecken, Germany) David Bell (University of Ulster, Jordanstown) Niels Ole Bernsen (Odense University, Denmark) Mike Brady (Oxford University, England) Derek Bridge (University College Cork) Harry Bunt (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Jon Campbell (University of Ulster, Magee) Norman Creaney (University of Ulster, Coleraine) Michel Denis (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) Koenraad de Smedt (University of Bergen, Norway) Daniel Dennett (Tufts University, US) Charles Fillmore (University of California, Berkeley, US) Mikael Fernstrom (University of Limerick) John Fitch (University of Bath, England) James Flanagan (Rutgers University, US) John Gammack (Murdoch University, Perth, Australia) Erik Granum (Aalborg University, Denmark) Niall Griffith (University of Limerick) ChengMing Guo (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) Steven Harnad (University of Southampton, England) Jerry Harper (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Douglas Hofstadter (Indiana University, US) Brian Karlsen (Aalborg University, Denmark) Mark Keane (University College Dublin) Shalom Lappin (King's College London, England) Margaret Leahy (Trinity College Dublin) Chin-Hui Lee (Lucent Technologies, US) Bernard Levrat (LERIA, University of Angers, France) James Martin (University of Colorado, US) Mark Maybury (MITRE, Massachusetts, US) Tony McEnery (Lancaster University, England) Paul Mc Kevitt (Aalborg University & University of Sheffield) Peadar Mc Kevitt (Global Information Partnership (GIP) Ltd., Dublin) Barry McMullin (Dublin City University) Alex Monaghan (Dublin City University) Andrew Morris (IDIAP, Martigny, Switzerland) Conn Mulvihill (National University of Ireland, Galway) Fergal Murray (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Fionn Murtagh (Queen's University Belfast) Stephen Nachmanovitch (Free Play Productions, Los Angeles, US) Yoshiki Niwa (Hitachi Limited, Tokyo, Japan) John Nolan (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Diarmuid O Donoghue (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Greg O Hare (University College Dublin) Se/an /O Nuall/ain (Dublin City University) Melanie O Reilly (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Padraig /O Seaghdha (Lehigh University, US) Douglas O Shaughnessy (INRS-Telecom, University of Quebec, Canada) Ryuichi Oka (RWC P, Tsukuba, Japan) Naoyuki Okada (Kyushu University, Japan) Derek Partridge (University of Exeter, England) Gert Rickheit (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Jonathan Rowe (De Montford University, England) Gerard Sabah (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) NNoel Sharkey (University of Sheffield, England) Noel Sheehy (Queen's University Belfast) Arnold Smith (NRC, Ottawa, Canada) Humphrey Sorensen (University College Cork) Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Keith Stenning (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Oliviero Stock (IRST, Trento, Italy) Kris Th/orisson (MIT Media Lab., Cambridge, US) Peter Todd (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany) Jun-Ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo, Japan & UMIST, England) David Vernon (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Walther von Hahn (University of Hamburg, Germany) Ipke Wachsmuth (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Paul Whelan (Dublin City University) Mary McGee-Wood (University of Manchester, England) Michael Zock (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY OF IRELAND (CSSI): The aim of the CSSI is the promotion of cognitive science teaching and research in the island of Ireland. Membership is open to anyone anywhere who supports the goals of the organization. We are open to further nominations for the steering committee. Membership is IR #20 (IEP) (US DOLLARS $30) (STERLING #19). Two already-established conferences will be run in Ireland by CSSI: "The Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP)", and "Mind". Members will receive free electronic copies of proceedings of both conferences, an annual newsletter, and proceedings of the AGM. It is planned to establish a web page which, over time, will offer an increasing range of services. Initially, conference information, a membership form, and links to other relevant web sites will be provided. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: WORKSHOP FORMAT: Our intention is to have as much interaction as possible during the workshop and to stress panel sessions and discussion as much as formal paper presentations. Plenary session will attempt to integrate themes and topics of CSNLP-8. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Papers of not more than 8 A4 pages should be submitted by electronic mail (ASCII plain text + preferably uuencoded compressed postscript) to Paul Mc Kevitt at pmck(at) If you cannot submit your paper by E-mail please submit three copies to Paul Mc Kevitt by snail mail. **** Submission Deadline: March 17, 1999 **** Notification Date: May 1, 1999 **** Camera ready Copy: June 1, 1999 PUBLICATION: Workshop notes/preprints will be published. If there is sufficient interest we will publish a book on the workshop. WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Paul Mc Kevitt Center for PersonKommunikation (CPK) Fredrik Bajers Vej 7-A5 Institute of Electronic Systems (IES) Aalborg University DK- 9220, Aalborg DENMARK. E-mail: pmck(at) FaX: (+45) 98 15 15 83 Phone: (+45) 96 35 86 56 WWW: Conn Mulvihill Information Technology (IT) Centre National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) IRL- Galway, Co. Galway IRELAND. E-mail: conn(at) FaX: (+353) -91-750501 Phone: (+353) -91-524411 WWW: Se/an /O Nuall/ain School of Computer Applications Dublin City University IRL- Dublin 9, Dublin IRELAND. E-mail: sean.onuallain(at) FaX: (+353) -1-7045442 Phone: (+353) -1-7045073 WWW: SOCIAL: This meeting will have a surplus of social events and a planned conference tour is a boat trip of the Aran Islands. CEILI: It is intended that we organise at least one Ceili during the Workshop and all participants are invited to bring their musical instruments to participate. GALWAY, IRELAND: GALWAY, IRELAND is a twin-city of AALBORG, DENMARK ""CITY OF THE TRIBES "To hell or to Connaught" ordered Cromwell as the dispossessed flocked west in their droves. The land may still be poor but no-one these days would equate Connaught with hell. As anyone who ever watched the sun go down on the famously beautiful Galway bay will tell you, it's definitely more on the heavenly end of the spectrum. A friendly sprawling city, Galway has all the amenities of a much larger place yet maintains its laid-back vibe. As a University town, it is incredibly youthful, culturally vibrant and undeniably cosmopolitan. You can lose your shirt at the races or your inhibitions at the oyster festival. A light mist will enhance your complexion as you cycle over the salmon weir, along by the cathedral. Bring your umbrella and prepare to have lots of fun...."" (see EVENTS IRELAND: VISIT IRELAND: related meetings: IJCAI-99 JULY 31 - AUGUST 6, 1999 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN The above meetings will follow the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-99) to be held in Stockholm, Sweden (see 7TH EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL ON LANGUAGE AND SPEECH COMMUNICATION *************************************************************** MULTIMODALITY IN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH SYSTEMS (MiLaSS) 12-23 July 1999 Stockholm, Sweden ( INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE IN MULTI-MODAL SYSTEMS JUNE 22 - JUNE 25, 1999 Kloster Irsee, Germany ( also soon: Tenth Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS-99) (Wednesday 1st - Friday 3rd September, 1999) (University College Cork, Ireland) ( LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> <<CALL FOR PAPERS>> "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL