Lateral Inversion in Spatial Hearing (Heinrich Zimmermann )

Subject: Lateral Inversion in Spatial Hearing
From:    Heinrich Zimmermann  <hzimmer(at)IAM.UNIBE.CH>
Date:    Thu, 2 Sep 1999 12:31:26 +0200

Lateral Inversion in Spatial Hearing I wonder if anybody on the Auditory List knows something about a lateral inversion phenomenon I discovered when preparing sounds for a series of experiments on spatial hearing: certain binaural recordings of bandpass-filtered clicks with interaural time differences but without interaural intensity differences seem to be lateralized as predicted by cross-correlation models in a frequency range below 2 Kilohertz but on the opposite side than predicted by these models in a frequency range above 8 Kilohertz. With kind regards Heinrich Zimmermann University of Berne Switzerland

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