CSNLP-8 Galway Ireland August (Niall Griffith )

Subject: CSNLP-8 Galway Ireland August
From:    Niall Griffith  <niall.griffith(at)UL.IE>
Date:    Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:10:56 +0100

Please excuse multiple receipts. Please forward to anyone you think may be interested. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP- "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" <<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>> <<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>> LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL The Eighth International Workshop on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP-8) (http://www.it.ucg.ie/csnlp8/) "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th August, 1999 National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) GALWAY, IRELAND in association with: "Mind-IV: TWO SCIENCES OF MIND" (Monday 16th - Thursday 19th August, 1999) (Dublin City University, Ireland) (http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~tdoris/mind4.html) "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" What common cognitive patterns underlie our competence in these disparate modes of thought? Language (natural & formal), vision and music seem to share at least the following attributes: a hierarchical organisation of constituents, recursivity, metaphor, the possibility of self-reference, ambiguity, and systematicity. Can we propose the existence of a general symbol system with instantiations in these three modes or is the only commonality to be found at the level of such entities as cerebral columnar automata? Also, we invite papers which examine cross-cultural experience of these modalities. What can Engineering of software platforms for integrated Intelligent MultiModal & MultiMedia processing of language/vision/music/etc. tell us? TOPICS INCLUDE: o combinations: language and music; language and vision; music and vision. o What can Engineering of software platforms (e.g. AAU CHAMELEON; cf. http://www.cpk.auc.dk/imm) for integrated Intelligent MultiMedia processing of language/vision/etc. tell us? o Metaphor: For example: the use of terms like "interval" and "range" in music. o Rhythm: How is Rhythm important for language, vision and music? o Acoustics: What role does it play in the three modalities? o The roles of embodiment and culture in the formation of symbolic apparatus; For example: the use of gesture in face-to-face communication. o Emotions: what role do they play in the three modalities? o Synesthesia o What the visual, musical and linguistic arts can tell us. o What is the developmental relationship between prosody and music? What is the cognitive evidence for the dependence of music on language? o Can we speak meaningfully about a semantics of music? o Architectures for integration of language, vision and music; what aspects are conscious and what automatic? What aspects are common and what are specific to each? o What is the role of modelling creativity? Are the creative processes similar or in what way are they different? SPECIAL SESSION ON CREATIVITY: In AI we have failed to get much handle on creativity. Conn Mulvihill will Chair a special session on creativity looking at writing, poetry, painting, and music composition. Irish Nobel Prize Laureate Seamus Heaney is composing a translation of Beowulf at present with special attention to the sound - reminiscent of movement in a longship type craft and there are those that claim that music is central to any hope of understanding Joyce. We think also of the likes of Kandinsky here. Is Joyce prose or music? Is Kandinsky art or music? What is Picasso? What are the links between language, vision and music? Is creativity the same for each? and by the way, What is creativity? It is intended to involve Writers-in-Residence at NUI, Galway Pat McCabe ("The Butcher Boy") & Paula Meehan (Poet). o Are recent trends towards integrating ideas in the Arts/Humanities and Sciences/Engineering important here? (cf. http://www.futurehum.uib.no/ & http://tn-speech.essex.ac.uk/tn-speech/ & http://www.cpk.auc.dk/imm) o Why are there many arts and not just one? CSNLP: The International Workshop on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP) has been run in IRELAND since 1992. The CSNLP-8 workshop will continue the tradition of emphasising presentations of Ireland's and International original research in all areas of the Cognitive Science of NLP including Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Neuroscience and related disciplines on the obvious problems of speech, NLP, and vision processing, robotics, learning, reasoning, knowledge representation and mobile/remote computing. Papers addressing this year's theme are particularly welcome. CSNLP-8 CONFIRMED INVITED PLENARY SPEAKERS *** Sheldon Klein *** Computer Sciences Department & Linguistics Department University of Wisconsin, Madison, US *** Stephen Nachmanovitch *** Free Play Productions Los Angeles, US *** G/erard Sabah *** LIMSI-CNRS Orsay, FRANCE *** Ipke Wachsmuth *** Faculty of Technology University of Bielefeld, GERMANY LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL SHELDON KLEIN is a Professor of Computer Sciences & Linguistics at U. of Wisconsin, Madison, US and is currently teaching courses titled, "Natural Language & Multimedia" and "Analogy in Language, Culture & Cognition." His background includes a Ph.D. Linguistics, UC-Berkeley, US, 1963.; AI Research Group, System Development Corp. 1961-64; Asst. Prof. of Linguistics & Comp Sci, Carnegie-Mellon (CIT), US 1964-66; Assoc. Prof. Comp. Sci, & Linguistics, U. Wisconsin, US, 1966-73; IREX Sr. Scholar, Machine Translation Laboratory, Foreign Languages Institute, Moscow, 1973; Visiting Director of Studies, L'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, Paris, France 1976-77; Visiting Prof., Faculty for Linguistics and Literary Studies, U. Bielefeld, Germany, 1977-78; Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall & Archaeology Dept., Cambridge U., England 1988; Visiting Life Member in Residence, Clare Hall, Cambridge U., England 1995; Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; Fellow, American Anthropological Association; American Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence, Assoc. for Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science Society, Linguistic Society of America, Society for Linguistic Anthropology, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, & Sigma Xi. For related details: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~sklein/sklein.html LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL STEPHEN NACHMANOVITCH is an author, musician, computer artist, and educator. Born in 1950, he studied at Harvard, US and the University of California, US where he earned a Ph.D. in the History of Consciousness for an exploration of William Blake. His mentor was the anthropologist and philosopher Gregory Bateson. He has taught and lectured widely in the United States and abroad on creativity and the spiritual underpinnings of art. Since 1976 he has given solo improvisation concerts on violin, viola, and electric violin, and has presented workshops at many conservatories and universities. He has performed internationally, and has had numerous appearances on radio, television, and at music and theater festivals. He has collaborated with other artists in media including music, dance, theater, and film, and has developed programs melding art, music, literature, and computer technology. He has published articles in a variety of fields since 1966, and is the author of ``Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art'' (Putnam, 1990). In recent years he has created computer software including The World Music Menu and Visual Music Tone Painter. He is currently working on a new book on creativity called Genius & Magic. He lives with his wife and two sons in Los Angeles, US. see: http://www.freeplay.com LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL G/ERARD SABAH graduated from the `Ecole Polytechnique' in 1971 and entered the CNRS in the same year. Besides his engineering degree from the Polytechnique, further degrees include a 'Diplome d'etudes Approfondies' (DEA) in 1972, then a 'Doctorat de 3eme cycle' (1975) (subject: automatic learning of pattern recognition operators) and a 'Doctorat d'etat es Sciences' (1978) on Natural Language Understanding by Computers. He is currently a Research Director at CNRS, and the head of the Language and Cognition group at LIMSI (Laboratoire d'Informatique et de Mecanique pour les Sciences de l'Ingenieur: Computer Sciences and Mechanics for Engineering Laboratory). He is the author of the two volumes 'L'intelligence artificielle et le langage' (vol. 1: Knowledge Representation; vol. 2: Understanding Processes), published by Hermes, Paris. His present interest is the study of the cognitive processes in natural language understanding, acquisition and generation. The main activities of his group (currently about 25 people) concern multi-agent architectures for text analysis and understanding, flexible parsing, dialogue processing, reasoning mechanisms, generation and learning. Until recently he was responsible of the natural language pole of the Man-Machine Communication PRC (National Programme of Co-ordinated Research) and responsible for the Cognitive Science Network in southern Paris, a network of universities and research laboratories working in Cognitive Science. He has also been the president of the French Association for Cognitive Research. He is presently member of the AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence - member of the ECCAI federation) bureau and editor in chief of its journal. see: http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/gs/ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL IPKE WACHSMUTH has held the chair of Knowledge-Based Systems/ Artificial Intelligence in the Faculty of Technology at the University of Bielefeld, Germany for the past ten years. He holds a Master's degree in mathematics (Dipl.-Math.), obtained in 1975 from the Technical University of Hanover, Germany, where he also obtained his Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat) in 1980 for research in cellular automata synchronization, and a Habilitation degree in Computer Science which he obtained from the University of Osnabrueck, Germany, in 1989, for research on knowledge base organization. Before coming to Bielefeld, he held faculty and project leader positions in the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science and the Linguistics Department at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany. He was also assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Northern Illinois University in 1981-83 and research fellow in the LILOG group at IBM Germany in 1986- 88. Prof. Wachsmuth has a strong multidisciplinary commitment and has published in the fields of cellular automata, cognitive learning research, intelligent tutoring systems, natural language understanding, AI technology assessment, expert and agent systems, large knowledge bases, virtual reality, and gestural interaction. His current research activities cover virtual environments, dynamic knowledge representations and multi-agent techniques in the context of multimodal human-machine communication. Among many other professional services, Ipke Wachsmuth chaired the 1995 German AI Conference and is the chair for the 4th Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society to take place in Bielefeld, 1999. see: http://www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/~ipke/ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HOSTED BY: THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY OF IRELAND (CSSI) 2 Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AI) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) GALWAY, IRELAND CHAIRS: Paul Mc Kevitt (Aalborg University, Denmark & University of Sheffield, England) Conn Mulvihill (National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), Ireland) Se/an /O Nuall/ain (Dublin City University, Ireland) CSNLP-8 (LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC) PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Elisabeth Andr/e (DFKI, Saarbruecken, Germany) Tom Broendsted (Aalborg University, Denmark) Liam Bannon (University of Limerick & Xerox PARC, Stanford, US) John Barnden (University of Birmingham, England) Bill Barry (University of Sarbruecken, Germany) David Bell (University of Ulster, Jordanstown) Niels Ole Bernsen (Odense University, Denmark) Mike Brady (Oxford University, England) Derek Bridge (University College Cork) Harry Bunt (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Jon Campbell (University of Ulster, Magee) Norman Creaney (University of Ulster, Coleraine) Michel Denis (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) Koenraad de Smedt (University of Bergen, Norway) Daniel Dennett (Tufts University, US) Charles Fillmore (University of California, Berkeley, US) Mikael Fernstrom (University of Limerick) John Fitch (University of Bath, England) James Flanagan (Rutgers University, US) John Gammack (Murdoch University, Perth, Australia) Erik Granum (Aalborg University, Denmark) Niall Griffith (University of Limerick) ChengMing Guo (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) Steven Harnad (University of Southampton, England) Jerry Harper (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Douglas Hofstadter (Indiana University, US) Mike Holcombe (University of Sheffield, England) Stephen Isard (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Brian Karlsen (Aalborg University, Denmark) Mark Keane (University College Dublin) Shalom Lappin (King's College London, England) Margaret Leahy (Trinity College Dublin) Chin-Hui Lee (Lucent Technologies' Bell Laboratories, US) Bernard Levrat (LERIA, University of Angers, France) James Martin (University of Colorado, US) Mark Maybury (MITRE, Massachusetts, US) Tony McEnery (Lancaster University, England) Paul Mc Kevitt (Aalborg University, Denmark & University of Sheffield, England) Peadar Mc Kevitt (Global Information Partnership (GIP) Ltd., Dublin) Barry McMullin (Dublin City University) MURPHY (ANDROID [M]) (University of Sheffield, England) Alex Monaghan (Dublin City University) Andrew Morris (IDIAP, Martigny, Switzerland) Conn Mulvihill (National University of Ireland, Galway) Fergal Murray (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Fionn Murtagh (Queen's University Belfast) Stephen Nachmanovitch (Free Play Productions, Los Angeles, US) Yoshiki Niwa (Hitachi Limited, Tokyo, Japan) John Nolan (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Diarmuid O Donoghue (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Greg O Hare (University College Dublin) Se/an /O Nuall/ain (Dublin City University) Melanie O Reilly (The Melanie O Reilly Band, Dublin) Padraig /O Seaghdha (Lehigh University, US) Douglas O Shaughnessy (INRS-Telecom, University of Quebec, Canada) Ryuichi Oka (RWC P, Tsukuba, Japan) Naoyuki Okada (Kyushu University, Japan) Derek Partridge (University of Exeter, England) Gert Rickheit (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Jonathan Rowe (De Montford University, England) Gerard Sabah (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) NNoel Sharkey (University of Sheffield, England) Noel Sheehy (Queen's University Belfast) SINEAD (ANDROID [F]) (University of Sheffield, England) Arnold Smith (NRC, Ottawa, Canada) Humphrey Sorensen (University College Cork) Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Keith Stenning (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Oliviero Stock (IRST, Trento, Italy) Mark Tatham (University of Essex, England) Kris Th/orisson (MIT Media Lab., Cambridge, US) Peter Todd (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany) Jun-Ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo, Japan & UMIST, England) David Vernon (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) Walther von Hahn (University of Hamburg, Germany) Ipke Wachsmuth (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Paul Whelan (Dublin City University) Mary McGee-Wood (University of Manchester, England) Michael Zock (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LOCAL ORGANISATION COMMITTEE Micheal Colhoun (NUI Galway, Ireland) Conn Mulvihill (NUI Galway, Ireland) Colm O Riordan (NUI Galway, Ireland) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL __________________________________________________________________________ CSNLP-8 DRAFT PROGRAMME __________________________________________________________________________ CSNLP-8 Draft Programme Sunday, August 8th, 1999 *** REGISTRATION DESK: SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE BUILDING *** *** OPEN: 7.00 - 9.00 PM *** ********************** *** REGISTRATION DESK: SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE BUILDING *** *** OPEN: 8.00 - 11.00 AM *** Monday, August 9th, 1999 INTRODUCTION: (Chair: Conn Mulvihill) 8.45 `Official Opening' Ian O Muircheartaigh, Registrar & Deputy-President, NUI Galway Conn Mulvihill, IT Centre, NUI Galway SESSION I: MULTIMODAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACES (Chair: John Gurney) 9.00 `Gaze and its meanings in animated faces' Isabella Poggi*, Catherine Pelachaud**, and Nicoletta Pezzato* *Dipartimento di Linguistics, Universita' di Roma Tre, Rome, ITALY & **Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, ITALY 9.30 `Look where you're going' John Gurney and Elizabeth Klipple ARL, Adelphi Laboratory Center, Adelphi, Maryland, US 10.00 `Aesthetic forms of expression as information delivery units' Paul Nemirovsky and Glorianna Davenport Interactive Cinema Group, MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, US 10.30 Refreshments Break SESSION II: MULTIMODAL COMMUNICATION & MUSIC (Chair: Alain Bonardi) 11.00 `Multimodal communication and the conductor's face' Isabella Poggi and Mara Mastropasqua Dipartimento di Linguistics, Universite di Roma Tre, Rome, ITALY 11.30 `How do interactive virtual operas shift relationships between music, text and image?' Alain Bonardi and Francis Rousseaux Universite Paris IV-Sorbonne, Versailles, FRANCE & Universite de Reims, Paris, FRANCE 12.00 LUNCH INVITED TALK I: (Chair: Micheal Colhoun) 2.00 `The respective roles of conscious and subconscious processes for interpreting language and music' G/erard Sabah LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, FRANCE SESSION III: MULTIMODAL SYSTEM FORMALISMS & ARCHITECTURES (Chair: John Connolly) 3.00 `Let's improvise together a testbed for a formalism in language vision and sounds integration' Riccardo Antonini Consorzio Roma Ricerche, Universit\a di Roma ``Tor Vergata'', Rome, ITALY 3.30 `Multimedia integration: a system-theoretic perspective' John Connolly Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, ENGLAND 4.00 Refreshments break INVITED TALK II: (Chair: Paul Mc Kevitt) 4.30 `Communicative rhythm in gesture and speech' Ipke Wachsmuth Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld, GERMANY SESSION IV: LANGUAGE & VISION (Chair: Paul Mc Kevitt) 5.30 `Visualising lexical prosodic representations for speech applications' Julie Carson-Berndsen and Dafydd Gibbon Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, IRELAND & Fakultat f. Ling. & Lit., Universitat Bielefeld, GERMANY 6.00 `Creating new ideas with a multi-domain search' Francisco Camara Pereira and Amilcar Cardoso Departamento de Engenharia Informatica, Polo II da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, PORTUGAL 6.30 `What does CHAMELEON show for language, vision and music?' Paul Mc Kevitt Center For PersonKommunikation, Aalborg University, DENMARK 8.00 Workshop Reception ********************** Tuesday, August 10th, 1999 SESSION V: LANGUAGE & MUSIC (Chair: Se/an /O Nuall/ain) 9.00 `Auditory structuring in explaining dyslexia' Kai Karma Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, FINLAND 9.30 `Tonality in Irish traditional music' Se/an /O Nuall/ain School of Computer Applications, Dublin City University, Dublin, IRELAND 10.00 `A comparative review of priming effects in language and music' Barbara Tillmann and Emmanuel Bigand Universite de Bourgogne LEAD-CNRS, Dijon, FRANCE 10.30 Refreshments break INVITED TALK III: (Chair: Se/an /O Nuall/ain) 11.00 `The computer and the violin' Stephen Nachmanovitch Free Play Productions, Los Angeles, US 12.00 LUNCH SESSION VI: LANGUAGE & MUSIC (SEMANTICS) (Chair: Jean Callaghan) 10.00 `Expression, content and meaning in language and music: an integrated semiotic analysis' Jean Callaghan and Ed McDonald School of Contemporary Arts, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Kingswood, NSW, AUSTRALIA & National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE 10.30 `Music and language: metaphor and causation' Niall Griffith Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Limerick, IRELAND SESSION VII: SYNAESTHESIA (Chair: Sean A. Day) 2.00 `Synaesthesia and knowing' John Gammack School of Information Technology, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA 2.30 `Prometheus (Scriabin+Kandinsky)' I.L. Vanechkina and B. Galeyev Prometei Institute, Kazan, RUSSIA (** this paper presented by Sean A. Day **) 3.00 `Synaesthesia as the manifestation of non-verbal thinking' Bulat Galeyev Prometei Institute, Kazan, RUSSIA (** this paper presented by Sean A. Day **) 3.30 `What synaesthesia is (and is not)' Sean A. Day Department of English, National Central University, TAIWAN 4.00 Refreshments break INVITED TALK IV (SOFTWARE DEMO): (Chair: Se/an /O Nuall/ain) 4.30 `Visual music tone painter (synesthesia software)' Stephen Nachmanovitch Free Play Productions, Los Angeles, US 7.00 Workshop Banquet ********************** Wednesday, August 11th, 1999 SESSION VIII: CREATIVITY (Chair: Conn Mulvihill) 9.30 `Mexican diction as observed in the Tarahumara' Julia Lonergan Computing Research Laboratory (CRL), New Mexico State University (NMSU), Las Cruces, New Mexico, US INVITED TALK V: (Chair: Conn Mulvihill) 10.00 `Creativity: stone and lava' Stephen Nachmanovitch Free Play Productions, Los Angeles, US 10.30 Refreshments break INVITED TALK VI: (Chair: Conn Mulvihill) 11.00 `The analogical foundations of creativity in language, culture & the arts: the Upper Paleolithic to 2100CE' Sheldon Klein Computer Sciences Department & Linguistics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, US 12.00 Workshop Tour: Aran Islands ("Inis Mor" (Big Island)) (PACK LUNCH) (Return approx. 9.00 PM) PANEL SESSION (ON ARAN ISLANDS, "INIS MOR"): (Chair: Conn Mulvihill) 3.00 Panel Discussion: `Language, vision, music & creativity' Participants: Riccardo Antonini, Francisco Camara Pereira, Sheldon Klein, Julia Lonergan, Paul Mc Kevitt, Stephen Nachmanovitch, Se/an /O Nuall/ain, Gerard Sabah, Ipke Wachsmuth, [Writers-in-Residence] 9.00 Workshop Close __________________________________________________________________________ CSNLP-8 POSTERS __________________________________________________________________________ CSNLP-8 Posters `Generating /p/,/t/,/k/ consonants by a physical modeling of musical percussion' Patrick Fourcade and Claude Cadoz Laboratoire CLIPS - IMAG, ACROE - Ministere de la Culture, Grenoble, FRANCE `From the complexity of computers - the bee hive model - to symbol recognition - making a splash' Stephen McCloskey School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, N.IRELAND `Dissociation of music and language processing in a case of global aphasia' Harriet Read Department of Philosophy & Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, ENGLAND `Rising-falling contours in speech: a metaphore of tension-resolution schemes in European musical traditions? evidence from regional varieties of Italian' Antonio Romano and Gabriele Iannaccaro Belfast, N.IRELAND- Lecce ITALY and Bellinzona CH- L'Aquila, ITALY `' Dilys Treharne Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, ENGLAND LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT ADDRESSES: CSNLP-8 LOCAL ORGANIZATION CHAIR Conn Mulvihill Information Technology (IT) Centre National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) IRL- Galway, Co. Galway IRELAND. E-mail: conn(at)it.ucg.ie FaX: (+353) -91-750501 Phone: (+353) -91-524411 WWW: http://www.it.ucg.ie/ CSNLP-8 PROGRAMME CHAIR Paul Mc Kevitt Center for PersonKommunikation (CPK) Fredrik Bajers Vej 7-A5 Institute of Electronic Systems (IES) Aalborg University DK- 9220, Aalborg DENMARK. E-mail: pmck(at)cpk.auc.dk FaX: (+45) 98 15 15 83 Phone: (+45) 96 35 86 56 WWW: http://www.cpk.auc.dk/imm SOCIAL AND TOUR: This meeting will have a surplus of social events and a planned conference tour is a boat trip of the Aran Islands, stopping on "Inis Mor" (Big Island), going walkabout and seeing the interpretive centre (TIMING: 12.00 noon - 9.00 PM, Galway -> "Inis Mor" -> Galway). The final panel session on Creativity will be held on "Inis Mor" at 3.00 PM. Delegates may choose to stay overnight on "Inis Mor" and we would ask them to reserve accommodation themselves. CEILI: It is intended that we organise at least one Ceili during the Workshop and all participants are invited to bring their musical instruments to participate. NUI, GALWAY: http://www.ucg.ie GALWAY, IRELAND: The complete guide to Galway (http://www.galway.net) Local Ireland, Galway (http://www.galway.local.ie) Galway On-line (http://www.galwayonline.ie) Galway Bay FM (http://gbfm.galway.net/gbfmnew/) (RADIO) GALWAY, IRELAND is a twin-city of AALBORG, DENMARK ""CITY OF THE TRIBES "To hell or to Connaught" ordered Cromwell as the dispossessed flocked west in their droves. The land may still be poor but no-one these days would equate Connaught with hell. As anyone who ever watched the sun go down on the famously beautiful Galway bay will tell you, it's definitely more on the heavenly end of the spectrum. A friendly sprawling city, Galway has all the amenities of a much larger place yet maintains its laid-back vibe. As a University town, it is incredibly youthful, culturally vibrant and undeniably cosmopolitan. You can lose your shirt at the races or your inhibitions at the oyster festival. A light mist will enhance your complexion as you cycle over the salmon weir, along by the cathedral. Bring your umbrella and prepare to have lots of fun...."" (see http://www.galway.local.ie) EVENTS IRELAND: The Irish Emigrant (http://www.emigrant.ie/calendar.htm) VISIT IRELAND: Irish Tourist Board (http://www.ireland.travel.ie) Discover Ireland (http://www.iol.ie/~discover) Local Ireland (http://www.local.ie) Fios Feasa (http://www.fiosfeasa.com) VENUE The venue for registration, posters and exhibits, and for the conference programme, is SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE BUILDING (Newcastle Road, North of Campus) The programme itself will be held in LECTURE HALL NUMBER 1 and registration in the Lobby directly outside the Lecture Hall. Distance walking from CORRIB VILLAGE to ST. ANTHONY'S: 5 minutes Distance walking from SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE to CITY CENTRE: 12 minutes Distance walking from CORRIB VILLAGE to CITY CENTRE: 17 minutes (see http://www.it.ucg.ie/csnlp8; "Galway & Ireland") (see http://www.nuigalway.ie/ecn/general/mediummap.html) (ANTHONY'S bottom-left of this map) See also: 'Getting to Galway', under "Galway & Ireland" on (http://www.it.ucg.ie/csnlp8). TRANSPORT Galway, Ireland is best reached from DUBLIN or SHANNON International airports or Belfast International Airport (BFS) and Belfast City Airport. Flights (not frequent), buses and trains are available from Dublin and Shannon to Galway (more from Dublin) (BUSES are MORE RELIABLE than trains). Look at 'Getting to Galway', under "Galway & Ireland" (http://www.it.ucg.ie/csnlp8) for transport details. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation has been reserved for conference delegates in University Accommodation (CORRIB VILLAGE beside CORRIB RIVER) within 3 minutes walking from conference site and this costs per night IR 23.00 single/en-suite (incl. breakfast, TV + phone) and IR 44.00 double/en-suite (incl. breakfast, TV + phone). Please book this accommodation through us, the conference organisers. (see http://www.mis.nuigalway.ie/conference/coiribe.html) Collect KEYS at Conference Registration (SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE) if during registration hours; otherwise from Warden/Office at CORRIB VILLAGE. Delegates preferring to stay at hotels or other B&B's must book their own accommodation --- lists of others are given on the conference web pages. COMPUTER SERVICES Computer Services will provide on-site FTP/WWW and E-mail services to delegates. (see http://www.ucg.ie/cs/) NEARBY FACILITIES The neighbourhood nearby contains banks, hairdressers, bookshops, and the City is a stone's throw away. PARKING There is ample free parking for around 40 cars in the vicinity of the SAINT ANTHONY'S COLLEGE BUILDING and CORRIB VILLAGE. ________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION NOTES __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (for registrations/general enquiries/venue) Dr. Conn Mulvihill Information Technology (IT) Centre National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) IRL- Galway, Co. Galway IRELAND. FaX: (+353) -91-750501 Phone: (+353) -91-524411 Ext. 3327 (Micheal Colhoun) Phone: (+353) -91-524411 Ext. 3327 (Colm O Riordan) Phone: (+353) -91-524411 Ext. 3330 (Conn Mulvihill) Phone: (+353) -86-2632411 !MOBILE PHONE! (Micheal Colhoun) E-mail: csnlp8(at)it.ucg.ie WWW CSNLP-8: http://www.it.ucg.ie/csnlp8/ WWW: http://www.it.ucg.ie/ WWW: http://www.ucg.ie/ PAYMENT Payment should be made by cheque/Eurocheque/money order/bank transfer payable to `CSNLP-8, Ireland' drawn in Irish pounds. Payment should be sent together with the Registration Form to the above registration address. If paying by direct bank transfer please attach a copy of receipt of transfer to registration form. It is not possible to register by email. (If paying by Eurocheque please add IR 5.00 to the amount paid) Cheques/Money orders/Bank Transfers should be made payable to `CSNLP-8, Ireland' through the following bank: Allied Irish Bank (AIB) 9 Terenure Road, Rathgar IRL- Dublin 6 IRELAND. Phone: +353-1-4975741 Fax: +353-1-4967006 ACCOUNT NAME: "CSNLP-8, Ireland" ACCOUNT NUMBER: 05328018 BANK SORT CODE: 93-10-71 CONFIRMATION Confirmation of booking, a receipt, and a map with travel details will be sent on receipt of the REGISTRATION FORM. LATE REGISTRATIONS Registrations postmarked after WEDNESDAY, 30th JUNE, 1999 count as LATE registrations. CANCELLATIONS In the event of DELEGATE cancellation, a 75% refund of the total cost will be made provided that written notice is received by the Local Organisers by Wednesday, 30th June, 1999. After that date refunds cannot be made, although substitutions are possible. THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY OF IRELAND (CSSI): The aim of the CSSI is the promotion of cognitive science teaching and research in the island of Ireland. Membership is open to anyone anywhere who supports the goals of the organization. We are open to further nominations for the steering committee. Membership is IR #20 (IEP) (US DOLLARS $30) (STERLING #19). Two already-established conferences will be run in Ireland by CSSI: "The Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP)", and "Mind". Members will receive free electronic copies of proceedings of both conferences, an annual newsletter, and proceedings of the AGM. It is planned to establish a web page which, over time, will offer an increasing range of services. Initially, conference information, a membership form, and links to other relevant web sites will be provided. Delegates wishing to join CSSI (thus obtaining a reduction in registration fee) should contact: MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~jkellehe/CSSI/cssi.html http://www.umich.edu/~cogsci/latest/cssi.html DISCLAIMER NUI Galway and the Conference Organisers accept no responsibility for injury to persons attending the Conference, nor for loss of or damage to their property. The Conference Organisers reserve the right to change the details given in this document without notice. ________________________________________________________________________ R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M ---- CSNLP-8 ________________________________________________________________________ SEND TO Dr. Conn Mulvihill at address above. LATE REGISTRATIONS Registrations postmarked after WEDNESDAY, 30th JUNE, 1999 count as LATE registrations. Figures in parentheses are for full-time students (send photo copy of ID). REGISTRATION FEES ----------------- TECHNICAL PROGRAMME CSNLP-8 REGISTRATION FEE: CSSI NON MEMBERS MEMBERS STUDENTS COST Technical Programme 100 120 75 LATE REGISTRATION: 130 150 100 _____ total _____ IR Pounds (The registration fee includes conference materials, refreshments, and one copy of the proceedings) CONFERENCE TOUR (Boat tour of and to the Aran Islands Wednesday, 11th August, 1999, 12.00-9.00 PM) 25.00 _____ IR Pounds ACCOMMODATION and BANQUET BED + Breakfast (en-suite, incl. breakfast, TV + phone) (single) # days _____ X 23.00 _____ (double) # days _____ X 44.00 _____ Banquet (Tuesday, 10th August, 1999, 7.00 PM) 20.00 _____ total _____ IR Pounds Eurocheque 5.00 _____ IR Pounds Special dietary considerations _____ (please tick) Attending Reception on Monday, 9th August _____ (please tick) OVERALL TOTAL _____ IR Pounds PERSONAL DETAILS Full time LastName ___________________________________________ student? Y/N FirstName ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ WWW ___________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________ Phone __________________ Fax __________________ I wish to register for the events indicated, and enclose a cheque/Eurocheque/money order/bank transfer receipt in Irish pounds and payable to the `CSNLP-8, Ireland' for ..... (If paying by Eurocheque please add IR 5.00 to the amount paid) Signed _________________________ Date ___________ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP-8 CSNLP- "LANGUAGE, VISION & MUSIC" <<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>> <<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>><<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION>> LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ------- End of forwarded message -------

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