Music Cognition Workshop (David Huron - Conrad Grebel )

Subject: Music Cognition Workshop
From:    David Huron - Conrad Grebel  <dhuron(at)WATSERV1.UWATERLOO.CA>
Date:    Mon, 23 Mar 1998 20:34:51 -0500

PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MUSIC COG /98 * * * * A WORKSHOP ON MUSIC COGNITION * * * * MAY 1-3, 1998 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Ohio State University is pleased to announce a workshop/symposium on Music Cognition, May 1-3, 1998. The workshop consists of 14 invited lectures from scholars from North American and Europe. Fully half of the presentations are general or review in nature -- so the workshop is an excellent opportunity to gain an overview of the "state of the art" in Music Cognition. Admission to the workshop is free; there is no registration fee. ---------------------------------------- SCHEDULE: Friday May 1st: Morning. "Reconstructing Musical Origins: Perception, Cognition & History" David Huron (Ohio State University) "Ecological Theory and Music Perception" Eric Clarke (Sheffield University) "Rhythm and Tempo I" David Epstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Friday May 1st: Afternoon. "Computer Modeling of Meter and Harmony" David Temperley (Music Cognition Fellow, Ohio State Univ.) Discussion I. (Leader: David Butler, Ohio State University) POLAND LECTURE: "Space and Grid: Modeling Tonal and Metrical Attractions" Fred Lerdahl (Columbia University) Reception. Saturday May 2nd: Morning. "Thinking Ahead in Music Performance" Caroline Palmer (Ohio State University) "Using a Model as a Tool in Analysing Performance" Eric Clarke (Sheffield University) "Rhythm and Expectancy" Mari Riess Jones (Ohio State University) Discussion II. (Leader: Carolyn Drake, CNRS & University of Paris V) Saturday May 2nd: Afternoon. "Music in the World of Infants" Laurel Trainor (McMaster University) "Is the Brain Specialized for Music Perception?" Isabelle Peretz (University of Montreal) "Rhythm and Tempo II" David Epstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Discussion III. (Leader: Ed Large, University of Pennsylvania) Buffet Dinner. Tours of music cognition research facilities. Sunday May 3rd: Morning. "Music and Memory" Devin McAuley (Music Cognition Fellow, Ohio State Univ.) "Infant's Evaluative Responses to Musical Stimuli" Laurel Trainor (McMaster University) "Music, emotion and brain damage: Exploration of the Origins of a Resilient Connection" Isabelle Peretz (University of Montreal) Discussion IV. (Leader: Mark Pitt, Ohio State University) Sunday May 3rd: Afternoon. Supplementary discussion (students only). ---------------------------------------- Admission to the Music Cog /98 workshop is free. COURSE CREDIT: Students may participate in the workshop for graduate credit by enrolling in the Continuing Education program at the Ohio State University. Telephone (614) 688-4753 for further information. FURTHER INFORMATION: A web-site containing further information will be announced shortly. Immediate queries can be directed to David Huron: dhuron(at) or (614) 688-4753.

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