Conference in Musical Imagery-99. Call for papers (Preben von der Lippe )

Subject: Conference in Musical Imagery-99. Call for papers
From:    Preben von der Lippe  <p.v.d.lippe(at)IMT.UIO.NO>
Date:    Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:06:57 +0100

CALL FOR PAPERS CMI-99 CONFERENCE ON MUSICAL IMAGERY VI. International Conference on Systematic and Comparative Musicology, Oslo, June 17 - 20, 1999. The International Society for Systematic and Comparative Musicology will arrange its sixth international conference at the University of Oslo, Section for Musicology, June 17 - 20, 1999. The theme for the conference will be musical imagery, and we hereby invite proposals for papers from a broad spectrum of researchers who might be interested in this topic. Besides presentations of submitted papers, there will also be presentations by invited researchers from imagery related fields as well as various demonstrations and concerts. Call for papers Musical imagery can be defined as our mental capacity for imagining musical sound in the absence of a directly audible sound source, meaning that we can recall and re-experience or even invent new musical sound through our "inner ear". Although perception and cognition in music has received much attention in recent years, little has been said about our images of musical sound. On the other hand, the field of visual imagery has attracted much research effort, partly out of the recognition that imagery is integral to all cognition, perhaps even being the very content of thought. We feel likewise that musical imagery is integral to music cognition, and that there can be no perception, cognition or knowledge of music unless we have images of musical sound in our minds. For this reason, we feel it is now high time musical imagery be put on the agenda. We would like to see a broad scope of approaches to this theme, as may be suggested by the following sub-topics: - Elements of auditory imagery in music (pitch, melody, harmony, timbre, dynamics, rhythm, textures, etc.) - Auditory imagery in language and other sonic events - The epistemology of musical imagery - Musical imagery and event imagery - Cross-modality and musical imagery - Performance and musical imagery - Mental practice and musical imagery - Oral traditions and musical imagery - Theories of consciousness and musical imagery - Neurological aspects of musical imagery - Schema theory and musical imagery - Musical analysis and musical imagery - Musical imagery and representations of musical sound in mind and machine - Musical imagery and conceptual spaces - Guided visual imagery Needless to say, other topics related to musical imagery could be added to the list, the only wish being that the 1999 conference should have a fairly strict focus on this theme. Since little has been published within this field (with the notable exception of Reisberg, D., ed., 1992. Auditory Imagery. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), publishing a book on musical imagery as a result of this conference will be our goal. Researchers are invited to submit extended abstracts (min. 400, max. 800 words), detailing the aim of the paper and the relationship to the main topic of the conference, as well as stating the name and affiliation of the author together with mailing address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, by no later than December 31, 1998. Submissions by e-mail are encouraged, but submissions may be made either by paper copy or by e-mail to the following address: CMI-99 Section for Musicology University of Oslo P. B. 1017 Blindern 0315 Oslo Norway =46ax: (+47)22854763 e-mail: r.i.godoy(at) Selection of papers for presentation at the conference will be made by the scientific committee, and notification of acceptance will be given by =46ebruary 28, 1999. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstracts. Full length papers must be submitted at the conference for further editing and publication after the conference, in line with what has been practised by The International Society for Systematic and Comparative Musicology for previous conferences. The following scientific committee has been named for the conference: Rolf Inge God=F8y, University of Oslo Tellef Kvifte, University of Oslo Marc Leman, University of Gent Preben v. d. Lippe, Biomusik, =D6stersund, Sweden Lewis Rowell, Indiana University Albrecht Schneider, University of Hamburg The conference will take place at the University of Oslo, Section for Musicology, organized by the following committee: Hallgjerd Aksnes, University of Oslo Rolf Inge God=F8y, University of Oslo Harald J=F8rgensen, Norwegian State Academy of Music, Oslo Preben v. d. Lippe, Institute for Biomusicology, =D6stersund, Sweden Details on schedule and accommodation will be posted at the conference web-s= ite: =46urther inquiries can also be made to Rolf Inge God=F8y: e-mail: r.i.godoy(at) tel: (+47)22854064 fax: (+47)22854763

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