Subject: Postdoc Positions at Boys Town From: "Jesteadt, Walt" <jesteadt(at)BOYSTOWN.ORG> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 14:50:33 -0600Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions NIH Institutional Postdoctoral Fellowship positions are available at the Boys Town National Research Hospital for qualified individuals interested in research training in one or a combination of the following disciplines related to human communication and its disorders: Audiology (Stelmachowicz), Auditory Neuroanatomy (Warr), Auditory Physiology (Walsh), Clinical Physiology (Gorga), Communication Engineering (Neely), Genetics of Communication Disorders (Kimberling, Beisel, Cosgrove, Ing, Smith), Neurochemistry (Morley), Physical Acoustics (Keefe), Psychoacoustics (Neff, Jesteadt, Dai), Speech Development (Nittrouer), and Speech Physiology (Higgins). Additional information concerning these research programs and the postdoctoral training program can be found on the web at Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Send a vita and a brief description of your research interests to W. Bruce Warr, Ph.D., Boys Town National Research Hospital, 555 North 30th Street, Omaha, NE 68131, (402) 498- 6528, e-mail: Warr(at)Boystown.Org. As part of the above training program or in addition to it, a position is available in the Psychoacoustics Laboratory at the Boys Town National Research Hospital for a recent Ph.D. interested in the effects of multiple maskers, loudness growth, and intensity discrimination in listeners with normal hearing and those with sensorineural hearing loss. This work would be done in collaboration with Walt Jesteadt, Donna L. Neff, and Huanping Dai. While the positions described above are restricted by NIH to individuals who are US citizens or have permanent resident status, the position in psychoacoustics is more flexible. There are no specific time limits on the duration of the position or restrictions on the nationality of applicants. For more information, please contact Walt Jesteadt via email (Jesteadt(at)Boystown.Org), phone (402 498-6704), or regular mail (BTNRH, 555 N. 30th St., Omaha, NE 68131), or at the upcoming ARO meeting. McGill is running a new version of LISTSERV (1.8d on Windows NT). Information is available on the WEB at