Subject: MAA From: Torben Poulsen <tp(at)DAT.DTU.DK> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 11:05:01 +0200Bob Bolia wrote... ..... Has anyone ever done any cocktail party experiments with talkers separated by as little as 1degree? Back in 1976 we measured MAA (down to 1 degree) in noise (but not a cocktail party) in connection with the development of an acoustic traffic signal for the blind. Main result: If the signal is audible it can be localized. (Jacobsen, 1976). See a discussion of the Jacobsen (1976) reference in Good & Gilkey, JASA, vol 99, p 1108. regards Torben Poulsen, Department of Acoustic Technology Building 352, Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Voice: +45 4525 3940 (office); +45 4588 1622 (Departm.) Fax: +45 4588 0577 E-mail: tp(at) Email to AUDITORY should now be sent to AUDITORY(at) LISTSERV commands should be sent to listserv(at) Information is available on the WEB at