Subject: even more email addresses From: Bob Carlyon <bob.carlyon(at)MRC-CBU.CAM.AC.UK> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:50:08 +0100Following Roy's announcement of the change of email addresses for CNBH members, you may wish to know that a similar change should be made for those of us left behind at the CBU (formerly APU). So, the following members of the Centre for Research on Auditory Perception have new addresses: bob.carlyon(at) rhodri.cusack(at) john.deeks(at) hedwig.gockel(at) johannes.lyzenga(at) The person who can most accurately guess the number of psychoacousticians in cambridge (CRAP+CNBH+ "the other place") wins a big jar of sweets. bob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******** PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: bob.carlyon(at)********* Dr. Bob Carlyon MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit 15 Chaucer Rd. CAMBRIDGE CB2 2EF England Phone: (44) 1223 355294 ext 720 FAX: (44) 1223 359062 ******** PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: bob.carlyon(at)********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- McGill is running a new version of LISTSERV (1.8c on Windows NT). Information is available on the WEB at