Roy Patterson: email change (Dan Ellis )

Subject: Roy Patterson: email change
From:    Dan Ellis  <dpwe(at)ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU>
Date:    Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:09:33 PDT

Dear List - I'm forwarding the enclosed email address-change notification on behalf of Roy Patterson. DAn. ------- Forwarded Message X-To: AUDITORY(at)lists.McGill.CA From: Roy Patterson <roy.patterson(at)MRC-CBU.CAM.AC.UK> Please note that there has been a small change in the email address of many members of the CNBH in the Physiology Department. The apu in (at) has changed to cbu, because the Applied Psychology Unit has changed its name to the Cognition and Brain sciences Unit, and our email is still served by the CBU despite our move to Physiology. The new email addresses are roy.patterson(at) stefan.uppencamp(at) katrin.krumbholz(at) lutz.viegrebe(at) daniel.pressnitzer(at) stefan.hirsch(at) christian.sumner(at) Regards Roy Patterson __________________________________________________ Roy D. Patterson Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing Physiology Department, University of Cambridge Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG phone 44 (1223) 333819 office phone 44 (1223) 333837 lab fax 44 (1223) 333840 department email roy.patterson(at) ------- End of Forwarded Message Email to AUDITORY should now be sent to AUDITORY(at) LISTSERV commands should be sent to listserv(at) Information is available on the WEB at

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DAn Ellis <>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University