references on loudness as a function of angle (SOREN Bech )

Subject: references on loudness as a function of angle
From:    SOREN Bech  <sbe(at)BANG-OLUFSEN.DK>
Date:    Fri, 6 Feb 1998 08:48:54 +0100

Dear List members Please find below the list of papers concerned (some more than others) with loudness as function of angle that resulted from my enquiry a while back. Thanks to everybody that contributed Regards from Soren Bech List of papers: 1) Theile, G. (1984): "Loudness: independent of the direction of the incident sound?" 108th Meeting of Acoust.Soc.Am. (Abstract). J.Acoust.Soc.Am. Suppl.1. 76, S92. There are german publications on that topic. One is included in a book 2) Genuit, Blauert, Bodden, Jansen, Schwarze, Mellert, Remmers: Entwicklung einer Messtechnik zur physiologischen Bewertung von Laermeinwirkungen unter Beruecksichtigung der psychoakustischen Eigenschaften des Menschlichen Gehoers. Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Bremerhaven, 1997 (ISBN 3-89701-008-9) and the other is in a conference proceeeding: 3) Remmers, H. and Prante, H. (1991): Untersuchungen zur Richtungsabhaengigkeit der Lautstaerkemepfindung von breitbandigen Signalen. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 91, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef. A short english summary is in: 4) Bodden, M. (1993): The importance of binaural hearing for noise validation. In: Contributions to Psychological Acoustics. Results of the 6th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics. A. Schick (ed.), Bibliotheks- und Informationssytem der Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg, 537-554. 5) T. Zwicker and E. Zwicker "Alte und neuen Daten zur binauralen Lautheit" in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA '90, pp 707 - 710 6) H. Prante, H. Remmers, V. Mellert "Experimente zur binauralen Lautstarkeempfindung im diffusen schalfeld" in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA '90, pp 711 - 714 7) M. F. Soerensen, M. Lydolf, P. C. Frandsen, H. Moeller "Directional dependence of loudness and binaural summation", 15th ICA, 26 - 30 June, 1995, pp 293 - 296 8) D. W. Robinson & L. S. Whittle "The loudness of directional sound fields", Acustica, 10 (1960), 74 - 80 That's all !

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