looking for stimuli to build a www demo of categorical speech (Christophe Pallier )

Subject: looking for stimuli to build a www demo of categorical speech
From:    Christophe Pallier  <pallier(at)LSCP.EHESS.FR>
Date:    Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:22:43 +0200

Dear list, I have been asked to try and implement a WWW demo of "categorical perception" in speech. Does this already exist? (I have produced myself a very preliminary and limited java demo on my web site, but it is not worth your wasting time with it). I am looking for series of synthetic stimuli to be used in identification & discrimination tasks. Ideallly, these stimuli would have been used in one or several published study(ies) to which I could refer. It would be great if the stimuli were digitized but I could manage with a set of parameters for Klatt's synthesizer. I would love to have, for example, ba/pa VOT continua, in 3 or 4 languages. (Note: I realize it may nice to include continua of non-speech stimuli, which produce or not disrimination peaks...) Thanks, Christophe Pallier LSCP, EHESS-CNRS PS: I am going to be away for three weeks; therefore, do not expect me to answer email before mid-august. Email to AUDITORY should now be sent to AUDITORY(at)lists.mcgill.ca LISTSERV commands should be sent to listserv(at)lists.mcgill.ca Information is available on the WEB at http://www.mcgill.ca/cc/listserv

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