Gammatone Filterbank Response Area ("Kien Seng, Wong" )

Subject: Gammatone Filterbank Response Area
From:    "Kien Seng, Wong"  <ksw2(at)LEICESTER.AC.UK>
Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 1997 14:31:49 +0100

Hi, I am currently building a detailed model of the Onset-C units in the cochlear nucleus. As an input to this model, I am using a Meddis haircell driven from a gammatone filterbank. I have so far found it impossible to obtain a suitable asymmetric 'tuning curve' from the filterbank. Can anyone suggest ways of obtaining such a response from this filterbank? Many thanks - Kien Seng Wong +====================================================+ Kien Seng Wong BTSP: Speech and Hearing Engineering Department, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom. +------------------------+ E-mail: KSW2(at) Tel: (0116) 2522873 Fax: (0116) 252 2619

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