PREPRINT: Sound Onset Localization and Partial Tracking in (Ludger Solbach )

Subject: PREPRINT: Sound Onset Localization and Partial Tracking in
From:    Ludger Solbach  <ti6ls(at)TICK.TI6.TU-HARBURG.DE>
Date:    Wed, 22 May 1996 17:05:51 +0200

- Title: Sound Onset Localization and Partial Tracking in Gaussian White Noise - Authors: Ludger Solbach and Rolf Wohrmann - Abstract: In auditory scene analysis the detection of common partial onsets is an important clue for event formation. Our wavelet based approach for onset localization does not suffer from either smearing effects caused by windowing in the time domain nor from consistency problems caused by multiband level thresholding. Furthermore the method makes use of the beneficial effect of partial removal by adaptive signal cancelling. The results presented indicate that our approach is a promising basis for multicomponent acoustic signal separation. - Note: Paper to be presented at the ICMC-96 in Hong Kong. The lenght was limited to four pages. - Location: The preprint is available via Comments are welcome. Best wishes, Ludger. ------------ Ludger Solbach, AB Technische Informatik VI ------------- | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany | | e-mail: Solbach(at)TU-Harburg.d400.De, Tel.: +49-40-7718-3357 | ---------------- -----------------

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