Subject: ICMC96 info and registration From: "Andrew B. Horner" <horner(at)CMP-NXT.MUSIC.UIUC.EDU> Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 03:05:19 -0500Please note: We are about to send out the music acceptances for ICMC 1996. This is going to take a few days, because (1) the information is confidential and we have to send each acceptance individually, and (2) a final decision is still pending concerning two of the programs, and these decisions will affect a few other programming decisions, including the performance times of some of the tape pieces. We hope to receive these decisions on Monday. Please do not send email, faxes, phone calls or other communications asking if you are accepted before Wednesday, 24 April. We are aware that everyone needs to know immediately. But answering all these personal messages only slows down the whole process, as we do not have extra staff available to handle your questions, and we are already working very, very long days. -------------------------------------------------------------------- We're posting the following message to several lists, with apologies to those who may get more than one copy. This message contains the registration forms for ICMC 1996, including: General Information Form Conference Payment Form Conference Registration Form Tutorial and Workshop Information Tutorial and Workshop Registration Form Accommodation Request Form Accommodation Information ICMA Membership Form Consignment Agreement Form (2 Parts) The message is a little bit long. If you don't see the words "END OF MESSAGE" at the bottom, you didn't get all of it. PLEASE NOTE: We must pay for dormitory room reservations on the first of June (June 1); unpaid dormitory rooms currently reserved for the conference will not be available after that date. If you are planning to stay in the dormitory, please register and pay immediately!!! ALSO NOTE: We have heard that some air flights are already full. Please book your flights for the conference immediately.!!! Send enquiries, completed Registration Form and Payment to: ICMC 1996 Department of Computer Science Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon HONG KONG Fax: (+852) 2358-1477 Email: ICMCreg(at) (enquiries only, no payments by email) ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORMS On the Edge Hong Kong, 19-24 August, 1996 ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* GENERAL INFORMATION FORM, REQUIRED FOR ALL FORMS: Please print or type: First Name: ____________________________________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________________________________ Institution: ___________________________________________________________ ____ check here if the institution name is part of the mailing address Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ City/State/Province: ___________________________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: _______________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________________ Telephone (include country code): ______________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ STUDENTS MUST PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF ENROLLMENT, SUCH AS A COPY OF STUDENT IDENTIFICATION OR THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Institution: ___________________________________________________________ ID Number: _____________________________________________________________ Faculty Supervisor's Name: _____________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________________________ Faculty Supervisor's Signature: ________________________________________ ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: CONFERENCE PAYMENT FORM TOTAL from Conference Registration Form: ____________ TOTAL from Tutorial and Workshop Registration Form: ____________ TOTAL from Accommodation Request Form: ____________ TOTAL Charges: ____________ __ I have enclosed a bank draft or money order, payable to ICMC 1996 __ in H.K. dollars __ in U.S. dollars __ Please charge the above fee to: __ VISA __ MasterCard Card Number: ___________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _______________________________________________________ Cardholder's Name: _____________________________________________________ Cardholder's Signature: ________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT ACCEPT VISA AND MASTERCARD CHARGES BY EMAIL, BECAUSE WE MUST HAVE A SIGNATURE. You must send the payment either by fax (+852-2358-1477) or by regular mail. Notification of cancellation must be made in writing on or before 15 June, 1996. An administration charge of HK$200 (US$26.00) will be deducted for cancellations. No refunds will be given after 15 June, 1996. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _________________________ Registration Fees: Early Registration: (registrations faxed or postmarked on or before 15 May, 1996) __ ICMA Member HK$1,800 US$235 ____________ __ ICMA Student Member HK$ 800 US$105 ____________ __ ICMA Membership Form and Payment Enclosed (Pay Separately) __ Non-ICMA Member HK$2,500 US$330 ____________ __ Non-Member Student HK$1,450 US$190 ____________ __ Banquet and Harbor Cruise HK$ 375 US$ 50 ____________ __ Bus Pass to Concert Venue HK$ 200 US$ 26 ____________ (RT, all events, 10% discount over single ticket price) Interim Registration: (registrations postmarked after 15 May, 1996) (Please note that there is a limit to the seating in the concert venues and that we are required to sell tickets to the Hong Kong general public; the later you register, the more chance that we may not be able to provide you with tickets to all the concerts.) __ ICMA Member HK$2,300 US$300 ____________ __ ICMA Student Member HK$1,050 US$140 ____________ __ ICMA Membership Form and Payment Enclosed (Pay Separately) __ Non-ICMA Member HK$3,075 US$400 ____________ __ Non-Member Student HK$1,600 US$210 ____________ __ Banquet and Harbor Cruise HK$ 375 US$ 50 ____________ __ Bus Pass to Concert Venue HK$ 210 US$ 27.50 ____________ (RT, all events, 5% discount over single ticket price) Registration at the Conference: (Wait to register at the conference at your own risk! Please note that there is a strong possibility that some concerts will be sold out by the beginning of the conference; we have to reserve the boat for the banquet cruise in advance so late registration for this event is also subject to availability.) __ ICMA Member HK$2,700 US$355 ____________ __ ICMA Student Member HK$1,200 US$160 ____________ __ ICMA Membership Form and Payment Enclosed (Pay Separately) __ Non-ICMA Member HK$3,075 US$400 ____________ __ Non-Member Student HK$1,600 US$210 ____________ __ Banquet and Harbor Cruise HK$ 460 US$ 60 ____________ __ Bus Ticket to Concert Venue HK$ 20 US$ 2.60 ____________ (single ticket price, each way, if after 3 pm subject to availability) Single Day Conference Admission for Date: ____________ (NOT including evening concerts, CD, Concert Booklet or Proceedings): __ ICMA Member HK$ 500 US$ 70 ____________ __ ICMA Student Member HK$ 250 US$ 35 ____________ __ ICMA Membership Form and Payment Enclosed (Pay Separately) __ Non-ICMA Member HK$ 750 US$100 ____________ __ Non-Member Student HK$ 375 US$ 50 ____________ Single Tickets, 8 pm concerts (subject to availability): __ Steven Schick, Monday, 19 August __ Zuni Icosahedron, Tuesday, 20 August __ Chinese Virtuosi (Keynote), Wednesday, 21 August __ Daniel Kientzy, Thursday, 22 August __ Siri Rama, South Indian Dance, Friday, 23 August __ Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Saturday, 24 August __ Regular HK$ 100 US$ 13 ____________ __ Student* HK$ 75 US$ 10 xxxxxxxxxxxx *Student tickets for all concerts are only available from Urbtix in Hong Kong, subject to quota and availability. TOTAL for Conference Registration Form: ____________ Payment: Please fill in the Conference Payment Form above. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: TUTORIAL AND WORKSHOP INFORMATION INTRODUCTORY TUTORIALS: Tutorials are introductory-level overviews of computer music. The tutorials are scheduled during the first day of the conference, prior to the conference paper sessions, for the benefit of students and others who may need some background and preparation. Each tutorial is three hours in duration, with a minimum of 10 participants. On-site registration will be available, but we recommend advance registration to ensure that the tutorial will not be cancelled. Clarence Mak, Introduction to Computer Music I: This tutorial (in Cantonese) will be an introduction to computer music suitable for the general public, including university and secondary school students. It will assume no previous experience with computer music. Charles Dodge, Introduction to Computer Music II: This tutorial (in English) by Charles Dodge, author of "Computer Music," will also be an introduction to computer music suitable for the general public, including university students. It will assume no previous experience with computer music, but will not duplicate the material in the first tutorial, so the tutorials may be taken together. MICROTONAL WORKSHOPS: Workshops are more advanced treatments of specialized subjects, intended for those with at least a basic knowledge of relevant theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on practical applications and "live" demonstrations. Workshops are scheduled during the first two days of the conference. Each workshop is three hours in duration, with a minimum of 10 participants. On-site registration will be available, but we recommend advance registration to ensure that the workshop will not be cancelled. John Chalmers, Alternative Tunings for Computer Music: This workshop will introduce the basic concepts of non-12-tone tuning systems, including just intonation, non-12-tone equal temperaments, and irregular or empirical systems. Within each type of tuning, various approaches to scale construction and evaluation will be discussed. Topics will include historically important microtonal scales; just scales (Euler's genera, Wilson's CPS, tritriadics, etc.); subscales of equal temperaments (moments of symmetry, maximally-even scales, etc.); non-just, non-equal tunings; and analytical concepts such as Rothenberg's propriety and various measures of consonance and dissonance." Bill Sethares, Matching Timbre and Scale: Wendy Carlos wrote "Clearly the timbre of an instrument strongly affects what tuning and scale sound best on that instrument." In this workshop, Bill Sethares will show how to match the timbre of an instrument (or sound) to a scale in which it sounds "best." He will review the ideas of sensory consonance, and show how to find a related scale for any timbre using simple computer programs available on the net. Applications include using nonharmonic sounds in a consonant setting, investigations of historical tunings, and methods of carrying out genuine "adaptive tunings," which do not fix a scale, all demonstrated with sound examples and excerpts from compositions. In addition, he will discuss some recent results on methods to solve the "inverse problem" of finding timbres to match a given scale. PERFORMERS' WORKSHOPS: Josef Fung, Composing for Chinese Instruments: In this workshop, Josef Fung, conductor of Chinese Virtuosi, will discuss contemporary performance techniques for various traditional Chinese instruments, such as the pipa, zheng and erhu. Riley Lee, Composing for the Shakuhachi: In this workshop, grand master Riley Lee, will discuss contemporary performance techniques for the shakuhachi, a traditional Japanese instrument. Nicholas Isherwood, Voice: In this workshop, Nicholas Isherwood of VOXNOVA, specialist in extended vocal techniques, will demonstrate the techniques for composers and performers. Daniel Kientzy, Saxology: In this workshop, Daniel Kientzy, specialist in contemporary performance techniques for saxophone, will demonstrate the techniques described in his book "Saxology." MISCELLANEOUS WORKSHOPS: Michel Redolfi, Interactive Technology for Underwater Musical Installations. Kurt Hebel & Carla Scaletti, Kyma. Chris Chafe - Algorithms in Musical Performance: Composition, improvisation, instrument building, and performance are blended in machinery for real-time performance. Control algorithms will be presented in terms of existing pieces of music and instrument design concepts. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: TUTORIAL AND WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _________________________ Tutorial and Workshop Fees (for each Tutorial/Workshop): __ ICMA Member HK$ 375 US$ 50 __ ICMA Student Member HK$ 250 US$ 35 __ ICMA Membership Form and Payment Enclosed (Pay Separately) __ Non-ICMA Member HK$ 520 US$ 70 __ Non-Member Student HK$ 375 US$ 50 Please register me for the following: Fee: INTRODUCTORY TUTORIALS: Monday, 19 August, 1996 and Tuesday, 20 August, 1996 __ Monday, 9-12, Clarence Mak, Intro. to Computer Music I (in Cantonese) ____________ __ Monday, 1-4, Charles Dodge, Intro. to Computer Music II (in English) ____________ MICROTONAL WORKSHOPS: __ Tuesday, 9-12, John Chalmers, Alternative Tunings for Computer Music ____________ __ Tuesday, 1-4, Bill Sethares, Matching Timbre and Scale ____________ PERFORMERS' WORKSHOPS: __ Monday, 9-12, Josef Fung, Composing for Chinese Instruments ____________ __ Monday, 1-4, Riley Lee, Shakuhachi ____________ __ Tuesday, 9-12, Nicholas Isherwood, Voice ____________ __ Tuesday, 1-4, Daniel Kientzy, Saxology ____________ MISCELLANEOUS WORKSHOPS: __ Monday, 9-12, Michel Redolfi, Interactive Technology for Underwater Musical Installations ____________ __ Monday, 1-4, Kurt Hebel & Carla Scaletti, Kyma ____________ __ Tuesday, 9-12, Chris Chafe, Algorithms in Musical Performance ____________ TOTAL FEE for Tutorial and Workshop Registration Form: ____________ Payment: Please fill in the Conference Payment Form above. ********************************************************************* ******************************************************************** 1996 ICMC: ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _________________________ Room-Mates: __ I wish to share a room with: Name: _______________________________________________________________ __ Please find me a roommate:* __ Male __ Female __ Non-Smoker __ Smoker * We will attempt to put you in touch with an appropriate roomate; however, smoking accommodations are only available off campus, and you must book them yourself. Accommodation: __ I will book my own room or contact travel agent (see hotel information sheet & skip the rest of this form) The following room options will be assigned SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. The number of rooms is limited, especially on Saturday, the 24th. (You may indicate a second choice in case the rooms you've requested aren't available.) __ HKUST Visitor Centre (per room or suite): __ Single: HK$410 __ Suite: HK$760 __ HKUST Dormitory (per person, per room): __ No Air Conditioning __ Single HK$ 200 US$ 26 ____________ __ Double (Twin beds) HK$ 100 US$ 13 ____________ __ Air Conditioning __ Single HK$ 240 US$ 32 ____________ __ Double (Twin beds) HK$ 120 US$ 16 ____________ __ If you require any special facilities for disabilities, please list: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Advanced payment is required for all on-campus reservations: PLEASE NOTE: We must pay for dormitory room reservations on the first of June (June 1); unpaid dormitory rooms currently reserved for the conference will not be available after that date. If you are planning to stay in the dormitory, please register and pay immediately!!! Check-in date: ____________________ Check-out date: ____________________ ____________ nights (at) _____________ per night TOTAL for Accommodation Request Form: ____________ Payment: Please fill in the Conference Payment Form above. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION: We have set aside inexpensive rooms for delegates on campus. We encourage delegates wishing to attend the earliest morning presentations to consider the quiet and convenience of staying on campus, with the spectacular view of the ocean. On the other hand, we expect the chartered buses that we will provide for the evening concerts to return to the University about fifteen minutes after the last concert, and, since public transportation service ceases after midnight would advise those delegates wishing to experience the Hong Kong night life in Lan Kwai Fong to consider staying in a hotel near the Central area, close to the concert venue at City Hall. Less expensive hotel accommodations are available in bustling Tsim Sha Tsui, on the Kowloon side of the Harbor, but you will need to take a moderately-priced taxi to cross the harbor if you return to your hotel from Central after the last Star Ferry or MTR train has departed for the evening. On-Campus Accommodation: The accommodations on campus are quiet, compared to many western campuses or compared to the hotels downtown, and the night life consists of chatting with your colleagues in the alcoves overlooking the ocean. The prices for these rooms do not include any meals, but breakfast and lunch are available at several locations on campus, including the cafe, and the staff and student cafeterias. The number of rooms on campus is limited, and we cannot guarantee their availability. We will reserve them on a first-come, first-served basis, so we recommend early registration if you wish to stay on campus. If you include your email address, we will be able to notify you more quickly if we cannot fulfill your request. Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to us on or before 7 June, 1996. An administration charge of HK$200 (US$26.00) will be deducted for cancellations. No refunds will be given after 7 June, 1996. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Visitor's Centre: The Visitor's Centre provides a limited number of high quality hotel-style accommodations, including single rooms and 2-bedroom family suites. The single rooms are right on campus and some have spectacular views of the bay. They have private bathrooms and access to nice shared kitchen and inexpensive laundry facilities. The suites are in a different building about a 15-minute walk from the campus, with living rooms, cooking facilities and space for up to 3 adults with an additional pull-out bed suitable for a child. The smaller suite rooms are more suitable for couples than for two conference delegates. The suites also have free shared laundry facilities. The approximate prices are given below: Single: HK$410 Suite: HK$760 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dormitory: All rooms are double occupancy, and the price is the same whether occupied by one or two persons. Half the rooms have a view of the ocean, the other half have a view of the hillside. The rooms are new, clean and very basic, with single beds, desks, closets, a pillow, a pillow case, a bed sheet and a blanket. Bed sheets will be changed every three or four days, but there is no real maid service. You must bring your own cosmetics, soap and towels. There is one shared bathroom on each floor, with male and female bathrooms on alternate floors. Check-in time is 2:00 pm, check-out time is 12:00 noon. There is a small pantry on each floor with facilities for making tea and reheating food; also one laundry facility with coin-operated washing machines and dryers. Smoking is not permitted in the dormitory, so if you wish to smoke in your room, you should book a room in one of the hotels. The following are 1996 prices: Room without Air Conditioning: Single occupancy: HK$200.00 Double occupancy: HK$100.00 per person Air Conditioned Room: Single occupancy: HK$240.00 Double occupancy: HK$120.00 per person Off-Campus Accommodation: Hong Kong has many tourist accommodations. PC Tours and Travel will book hotel rooms at special contract rates for the conference. We recommend the Hong Kong Tourist Association's Hotel Guide if you wish to book your own. We also recommend the Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit entitled, Hong Kong, Macau and Canton, which for about US$15 provides detailed information about accommodations and a lot of other useful information about the area. Please note that prices published in these books are sometimes outdated. Kowloon has more hostels and guesthouses than Hong Kong Island, but the Lonely Planet Guide lists some low price places worth considering in Causeway Bay, which is only three MTR stops away from City Hall and also reachable by Tram, and you could probably walk there from City Hall in about a half hour or so. Hotels in the top end category have prices that rise rapidly toward the moon, and these are, alas, the closest hotels to City Hall and the night life in Lan Kwai Fong. We list a few hotels here for comparative reasons, starting with the least expensive, but you can easily make other arrangements. Hotels giving guaranteed 1996 contract rate prices through PC Tours and Travel (contact Sophia Cheong, telephone: +852 2369-9052, fax: +852 2723-9044; pay PC Tours in advance; prices include 10% service charge and 5% government tax): Newton Hong Kong Hotel, Mong Kok*** Doubles: HK$ 720 Royal Pacific Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui**** Doubles: HK$ 780 Hong Kong Renaissance Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui***** Doubles: HK$1,050 __________________________________________________________________ Prices of other hotels, for comparison (1995 rates, so expect about 10% increase for 1996; book hotel directly; prices do not include the 10% service charge and 5% government tax): YMCA International House*** Doubles: HK$ 720 Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon Suites: HK$1,020 Tel: (852) 2771-9111 Fax: (852) 2388-5926 __________________________________________________________________ Garden View International House*** Double/Twin: HK$ 730- 830 (YWCA) Suites: HK$1,250-1,500 Central, Hong Kong Suites: HK$1,250-1,500 Tel: (852) 2877-3737 Fax: (852) 2845-6263 ______________________________________________________________ The "Salisbury" YMCA of Hong Kong*** Single: HK$ 730 Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Twin: HK$ 860-1,060 Tel: (852) 2369-2211 Suites: HK$1,440-1,690 Fax: (852) 2739-9315 __________________________________________________________________ Harbour View International House*** Single/Double from HK$850-HK$1,250 Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2802-0111 Fax: (852) 2802-9063 __________________________________________________________________ Hotel Furama Kempinski**** Double/Twin: HK$1,680-2,280 Central, Hong Kong Suites: HK$2,380-7,380 Tel: (852) 2525-5111 Fax: (852) 2845-9339 _______________________________________________________________ Mandarin Oriental Hotel***** Double/Twin: HK$1,750-2,750; Central, Hong Kong Suites: HK$3,500-22,000 Tel: (852) 2522-0111 Fax: (852) 2810-6190 __________________________________________________________________ Reservations and Payments: Please select the desired accommodation, complete the reservation form and mail or fax it with the required advance payment in Hong Kong dollars to the Conference Organizers for on-campus accommodations or directly to PC Tours and Travel for off-campus accommodations. Rates may rise slightly between the time of this announcement and the time of your booking. Room rates are subject to a 10 percent service charge and a 5 percent government tax. Meals are not included. We suggest booking early to avoid accommodation problems. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: ICMA MEMBERSHIP FORM Delegates who join the International Computer Music Association (ICMA) are entitled to ICMC '96 registration discounts (25% or more), waiver of submission fees, as well as the triannual newsletter ARRAY and other membership benefits. If you wish to join or to renew your membership, please complete this form. Please check your membership type and enter the amount of payment. ICMA membership payment must be made in US dollars and should be paid separately from all payments for the conference. Please print or type: First Name: ____________________________________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________________________________ Institution: ___________________________________________________________ ____ check here if the institution name is part of the mailing address Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ City/State/Province: ___________________________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: _______________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________________ Telephone (include country code): ______________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ STUDENTS MUST PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF ENROLLMENT, SUCH AS A COPY OF STUDENT IDENTIFICATION. Membership: __ New __ Renew __ Former __ Address Change Fees: __ Individual Membership US$ 50.00 __ Student Membership US$ 15.00 __ Sustaining Membership US$150.00 __ Nonprofit Institutional Membership US$150.00 __ Corporate Membership US$200.00 TOTAL PAYMENT: US$______ __ I have enclosed a personal check, bank draft or money order from a U.S. bank, payable to the International Computer Music Association __ Please charge the above fee in US dollars to: __ VISA __ MasterCard Card Number: ___________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _______________________________________________________ Cardholder's Name: _____________________________________________________ Cardholder's Signature: ________________________________________________ ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT FORM Consignment forms should accompany consigned items sent separately from the registration forms; recommended deadline: 15 May, 1996 postmark for surface mail (packages not sent air mail have taken up to 2 months to arrive). After the deadline, we recommend that you email the forms and carry the items with you. Please print or type: First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _________________________ Total number of titles: ________________________________________________ Membership Status: __ ICMA member __ ICMA membership is currently being processed with my registration __ ICMA Membership Form and payment enclosed __ Non-ICMA Member Delegate * Sales will be reported and made directly to the consignor by means of check in Hong Kong dollars within one month of the conference. A complete report of sales will be given to the consignor at the end of the conference. * Only ICMC 1996 delegates are eligible to consign materials. * A consignment commission of 10 per cent (20 per cent for non-ICMA delegates) will be charged by ICMC 1996. This fee will be deducted from the total sales amount. * A consignment agreement must be completed for every title (see below). * Materials will be accepted at the discretion of the ICMC 1996 Organizing Committee. * There is no limit to the number of titles one can submit, but consignors are limited to submitting a maximum of 25 units per title. However, consignors may submit 25 additional units after the first 25 units are sold. * ICMC 1996, ICMA and the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to consigned items, or for shipped items which do not arrive in time for the conference. Unsold items must be picked up at the ICMC 1996 office by noon on Sunday, 25 August, 1996 unless other arrangements have been made. Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************* 1996 ICMC: CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT FORM - 2 (USE *ONE COPY* OF THIS PAGE FOR *EACH* ITEM.) Consignment Item Number __: Description: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Number of units sent to ICMC: ____________ Price per unit: ____________ ICMC Commission (10% or 20%): ____________ Total price per unit: ____________ Please indicate here the exact title of the consigned work as it is to be listed in the consignment catalog: Title: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Author: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* END OF MESSAGE