JIC96 - Second and Last Call for Papers (Marc Leman )

Subject: JIC96 - Second and Last Call for Papers
From:    Marc Leman  <Marc.Leman(at)RUG.AC.BE>
Date:    Mon, 25 Mar 1996 08:52:43 GMT

JIC96 - BRUGGE SECOND AND LAST CALL FOR PAPERS IV. Int. Symp. on Systematic Musicology & II. Int. Conf. on Cognitive Musicology (JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1996) College of Europe at Brugge, Belgium 8-11 september 1996 The deadline for the submission of abstracts has been changed from 15 march to 31 march! 31 march: arrival of extended abstracts (min. 2, max. 5 pages) 15 may: acceptance notification Theme of the Conference: 1. Gestalt Concepts Revisited -- From Metaphor to Cognitive Model: this includes Gestalt-theoretic foundations of music research, from a methodological, epistemological as well as experimental and historical point of view. 2. Software Engineering, Modelling, and Simulation in Musicology: this includes topics related to the application of Gestalt concepts in modelling and computer music systems. Local Organization & Further Information: Marc Leman Email: Marc.Leman(at)rug.ac.be http://next.rug.ac.be/brugge/jic96.html

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