Payment for CDs (Al Bregman )

Subject: Payment for CDs
From:    Al Bregman  <bregman(at)HEBB.PSYCH.MCGILL.CA>
Date:    Mon, 11 Mar 1996 15:41:44 -0500

Dear colleagues, We have had trouble processing some orders for our CD, "Demonstrations of Auditory Scene Analysis." Montreal banks charge us $30.00 to process a cheque coming from counties other than Canada IF IT IS PAYABLE IN CANADIAN DOLLARS. I would ask purchasers to please do the following: US residents kindly send cheques payable in US dollars for the amounts given below. Residents of other countries please translate the cost into your own currency and send cheques (preferably International Money Orders) payable in your own currency. To remind you, here are the prices. (a) CD & booklet: US dollars: $25.00 Canadian dollars: $35.00 (b) Packaging and postage: To Canada: $3.00 Canadian To USA: $3.00 US To other countries: Amount equivalent to $6.00 Canadian Please make out the cheque or money order to Albert Bregman. I would prefer not to have to deal with institutional purchase orders, where I then have to invoice the institution for the amount. Packages will be sent by first-class mail unless alternative arrangements have been made by e-mail. Order from: Pierre Ahad E-mail: ps67(at) Psychology Department McGill University 1205 Docteur Penfield Montreal, Quebec Canada H4A 2P1 By the way, if you have any comments on the demonstrations, I'd be interested to hear them. Thanks, Al --------------------------------------------------------------------- Albert S. Bregman, Professor, Dept of Psychology, McGill University 1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1. Phone: +1 514-398-6103 Fax: -4896 Email: bregman(at) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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