Subject: NIPS WORKSHOP ON AUDITORY SCENE ANALYSIS From: Guy Brown <G.Brown(at)> Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 16:00:10 GMTWORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT NIPS'96 Postconference Workshop CONNECTIONIST MODELLING OF AUDITORY SCENE ANALYSIS Snowmass (Aspen), Colorado USA Friday Dec 6th, 1996 Guy J. Brown DeLiang Wang Department of Computer Science Department of Computer & Information University of Sheffield Sci. and Center for Cognitive Sci. Regent Court, 211 Portobello St. The Ohio State University Sheffield S1 4DP, U.K. Columbus, OH 43210-1277, USA Fax: +44 (0)114 2780972 Fax: (614)2922911 Email: guy(at) Email: dwang(at) OUTLINE Since Albert Bregman published his book "Auditory Scene Analysis" in 1990, there has been significant interest in neural modelling of auditory scene analysis. This workshop seeks to bring together a diverse group of researchers to critically examine the progress made so far in this challenging research area, and to discuss unsolved problems. In particular, we intend to address the following issues: * The role of attention in primitive (bottom-up) auditory scene analysis * How primitive auditory scene analysis is coupled with schema-based (knowledge-based) auditory scene analysis * The utility of the neural oscillator approach In addition to reviewing these issues, we would like to chart, if possible, a neural network framework for segmenting simultaneously presented auditory patterns. WORKSHOP PROGRAMME This one-day workshop will be organised into two three-hour sessions, one in early morning and one in late afternoon. The intermitting time is reserved for skiing or free-wheeling interactions between participants. Each session consists of 2 hour oral presentations and 1 hour panel discussion. The presentations are as follows: "Synchronized attentional processing streams, rhythmic expectation and auditory scene analysis" Bill Baird Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, USA "The behaviour of the auditory scene analysis system in humans: constraints on connectionist modelling" Albert Bregman Department of Psychology, McGill University, Canada "A neural oscillator model of concurrent vowel segregation" Guy J. Brown Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK DeLiang Wang Department of Computer Science and Information Science and Center for Cognitive Science, The Ohio State University, USA "A model of primitive auditory streaming" Sue McCabe School of Computing, University of Plymouth, UK "Advantages and disadvantages of emergent models for computational auditory scene analysis" Dan Ellis ICSI, Berkeley, USA "Real neurons as elements in auditory connectionist models" Ray Meddis Department of Psychology, Essex University, UK "Correlograms: a connectionist update" Malcolm Slaney Interval Research, USA "Attention-based auditory segmentation by pulse propagating neural networks" Thomas Zahn Department of Neuroinformatics, Technical University of Ilmenau, FRG WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Besides the speakers, the following groups of participants are the targeted participants: (a) Auditory psychophysicists; (b) Auditory neurobiologists; (c) Computational modellers and engineers (including those interested in VLSI implementation); (d) Researchers who work on visual perception but have an interest in auditory scene analysis. HOW DO I REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP? Registration details for the NIPS-96 workshop, including an application form, are available through the 1996 Neural Information Processing Systems Conference Home Page: Details of accommodation at the Snowmass resort are also available from the NIPS home page. If you do not have WWW access, please request a registration form from one of the workshop co-chairs. FURTHER INFORMATION We have a WWW page for the NIPS-96 Workshop on Connectionist Modelling of Auditory Scene Analysis, which includes abstracts for each talk, background information and links to related sites: