AES Conference, November ("Bruce N. Walker" )

Subject: AES Conference, November
From:    "Bruce N. Walker"  <walkerb(at)RUF.RICE.EDU>
Date:    Tue, 8 Oct 1996 13:49:40 -0500

Please pardon the non-discussion nature of this message... Is there anyone going to the Audio Engineering Society meeting in Los Angeles, Nov 8-11, who would be interested in splitting the cost of a hotel room with a non-smoking male PhD student (and all 'round nice guy)? Live, love and laugh, Bruce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruce Walker (PC86-88) Rice University Psychology Department email: walkerb(at) P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas, 77251 ph: (713) 522-2969 (home) (713) 527-8101 x3772 (office) Web: (713) 285-5221 (fax) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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