Subject: Post-docs available at Ohio State From: Dan Ellis <dpwe(at)ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU> Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 12:31:37 PDTDear List - I was sent the following announcement of two post-docs at Ohio State University by Rob Fox, chair of Speech and Hearing Science. DAn. ------- Forwarded Message Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 10:15:59 -0400 (EDT) From: fox.2(at) (Robert Allen Fox) Subject: Post-doc announcement Postdoctoral Traineeships Available Multidisciplinary Program in Speech and Hearing Science Department of Speech and Hearing Science Ohio State University Two Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowships (National Institutional Research Service Award Fellowships) for PhDs or MDs are available (one immediately; a second on 1 July 1997). These postdoctoral traineeships provide an opportunity to pursue focused research (either basic research or clinical research) in one of five areas of concentration within the discipline of speech and hearing science including speech production, speech processing, psychoacoustics, speech perception, and speech-language development. Emphasis of this training program is on cross-disciplinary research. The training faculty come from many different departments including the Departments of Speech and Hearing Science (Robert Fox, Lawrence Feth, Jan Weisenberger, Osamu Fujimura, Marios Fourakis, Jan Edwards, Jessica Harris, Michael Trudeau), Linguistics (Mary Beckman, Keith Johnson), Psychology (Mari Jones, Neal Johnson, Caroline Palmer, Mark Pitt, Julie Boland), Otolaryngology (Kamran Barin, Tom DeMaria), Electrical Engineering (Ashok Krishnamurthy, Stan Ahalt, Randy Moses), Zoology (William Masters, Susan Volman), Mechanical Engineering (Mardi Hastings), and Wright-Patterson AFB (Tim Anderson). Potential trainees should have a doctorate and be a U.S. citizen or have permanent residence status. Traineeships will be awarded for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years. Support will include a stipend, moving expenses, medical insurance, travel, and other training-related expenses. Interested individuals should submit inquiries and vitae along with a list of references to Dr. Robert Allen Fox, Chair, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, 110 Pressey Hall, 1070 Carmack Rd., Columbus OH 43210-1002 (614-292-1628; fox.2(at) ------- End of Forwarded Message