Subject: wanted help. From: "Dr. Ke Chen" <chen(at)CIS.PKU.EDU.CN> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 10:26:35 +0800Hello, I want to get some standard speech database and only know an email accout of LDC where those databases may be available. Unfortunately, I have sent several mails to them but no response has not been available. As a result, I would appreciate it if anyone could help me acquire those database. Ke Chen ------------------------------Previous Mail------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 17:01:16 +0800 (GMT+0800) From: "Dr. Ke Chen" <chen(at)> To: ldc(at) Cc: chenke(at), chen(at) Subject: Enquiry about the availability of TIMIT, KING and TIDIGIT database. Dear Sir/Madam, Please consider this mail an enquiry about he availability of TIMIT, KING and TIDIGIT database. Currently, we are working in speaker identification. We do have our own database in Chinese. Recently, I submit a paper to IEEE trans. One of reviewer hope to know the result that our method works on the aforementioned database. As a result, I would appreciate it if you would tell me how to acquire these database in detail. Best Regards, Ke Chen