Short term research fellowships at Sheffield (Martin Cooke )

Subject: Short term research fellowships at Sheffield
From:    Martin Cooke  <M.Cooke(at)DCS.SHEF.AC.UK>
Date:    Wed, 17 May 1995 12:54:46 +0100

University of Sheffield, UK Department of Computer Science COMPUTER SCIENCE SHORT RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS ******************************************* This department intends to offer a number of short term research fellowships over the summer to distinguished scholars with areas of interest close to those of a member of one of our research groups. The stipend would be about US$4000 (2500 pounds) including fares to Sheffield etc. Those interested can consult the department's WWW pages. The department's four research groups are as follows: Formal Methods and Software Engineering --------------------------------------- Telematics, Formal Specification, Verification and Testing, Object-Oriented Languages and Design, Proof Theory. Parallel Processing ------------------- Parallel Database Machines, Parallel CASE Tools, Safety-Critical systems. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks ------------------------------------------- Natural Language Processing (including corpus and lexically based methods, information extraction and pragmatics), Neural Networks, Computer Graphics, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Robotics, Computer Argumentation. Speech and Hearing ------------------ Auditory Scene Analysis, Models of Auditory Perception, Automatic Speech Recognition. More details can also be obtained from world-wide-web address Enquires and applications should be made through a member of the department known to the applicant or to the Director of Research: Professor Yorick Wilks, email yorick(at)

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