List of References: Neurophysiology and music (II) (Stefan Muenkner )

Subject: List of References: Neurophysiology and music (II)
From:    Stefan Muenkner  <stefan(at)PHYSIK3.GWDG.DE>
Date:    Mon, 10 Apr 1995 19:41:06 +0200

Hello all, after I posted the first list I received some more answers to my request and I am pleased to post a revised version of the list. The additional references were just added. Thanks again to all people who answered so promptly: Argiris Kranidiotis, Steven M. Boker, Richard Lyon, Elizabeth Marvin, James Beauchamp, Piet G. Vos, Martin McKinney, Jont B. Allen, Kathy Barsz, Adrian Houtsma, Bruno H. Repp, Bill Thompson, Petr Janata (a lot of references) Stefan Muenkner Stefan Muenkner | stefan(at) III. Physikalisches Institut | Buergerstrasse 42-44 | voice +49 551 397730 D-37073 Goettingen | fax +49 551 397720 Germany | 2x J. R. Pierce, The Science of Musical Sound (Freenam, New York, 1983). 3x J. G. Roederer, Introduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975,1979). Name: "An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing" Author: James O. Pickles,Dept. of Physiology,Uni. Birmingham,England. Publisher: Academic Press,1982. ISBN 0-12-554750-1 (hardback) ISBN 0-12-554 (paperback). "An introduction to the psychology of hearing" by B. MOORE , 3d Edition. 2x Parncutt, R. (1989). Harmony. A psychoacoustical approach. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Bogen, J. E. and Gordon, H. W., Musical tests for functional lateralization with intracarotid amobarbital, Nature, 230, 1971, 524-525 5x Clynes, Manfred (Ed.), Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music, Plenum Press, New York, 1982 Peter Howell and Ian Cross and Robert West, Musical structure and cognition, Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1985 Wallin, Nils Lennart, Biomusicology : neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and evolutionary perspectives on the origins and purposes of music, Pendragon Press, Stuyvesant, NY, 1991 Hermann Helmholtz "On the Sensations of Tone" (second edition, 1885, of the Ellis translation of Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen). Look at Fletcher's work, such as his 1953 book. It is all there, but it requires some digging. Diana Deutsch, ed., "The Psychology of Music", Academic Press, 1982. Butler, David. 1992. _The Musician's Guide to Perception and Cognition_. New York: Schirmer Books. The 'Ossiach Conferences' organized by Roederer between 1973 and 1985, with the conference book ''Music, Mind and Brian'' edited by Manfred Clynes (Plenum Press, 1982) as the most complete representation. The Journal ''Music Perception'', (4x per year, Univ. Cal. Press, formerly D. Deutsch, presentely J. Bharucha, editor). Deutsch has reported several perceptual experiments that imply certain neural structures. R. Zattore has several papers that deal with measurement of cortical activity during listening to music. Helmut Petsche in Vienna has been working on similar things durimng the past 20 years by studying EEG activity during musical playing and listening performance. Critchley, M., & Henson, R. A. (Eds.) (1977). Music and the brain. London: Heinemann. Sundberg, J., Nord, L., & Carlson, R. (Eds.) (1991). Music, language, speech and brain. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Macmillan Press. [See especially the articles by Gordon & Bellamy and by Borchgrevink, and the references cited there.] Isabelle Peretz et al.: "Functional dissociations following bilateral lesions of auditory cortex" in the journal "BRAIN" (1994), volume 117, page 1283-1301. [This contains many of the most important references on the topic.] Another article is: "Auditory atonalia for melodies" in the journal "Cognitive neuropsychology" 1993, 10(1), 21-56. Beisteiner, R. (1991, dissertation) Analytische-, Kreative- und Gedaechtnisprozesse beim Hoeren und Verarbeiten von Musik - Eine DC-Potential Studie. Besson, M.; Macar, F. (1987) An event-related potential analysis of incongruity in music and other non-linguistic contexts. Psychophysiology 24:14-25. Cohen, D. & Erez, A. (1991) Event-related-potential measurements of cognitive components in response to pitch patterns. Music Perception , 8(4) 405-430. Creutzfeldt, O. & Ojemann, G. (1989) Neuronal activity in the human lateral temporal lobe III. Activity changes during music. Exp. Brain Res. 77:490-498. Crummer, G.C.; Hantz, E.; Chuang, S.W.; Walton, J.; Frisina, R.D. (1988) Neural basis for music cognition: Initial experimental findings. Psychomusicology 7:117-126. Dalbovkova, D.; Kolev, P.; Kristeva, R. (1988) Selective attention in the presence of music: An event-related potentials (ERP) study. Biol. Psychol. 26:307-319. De Pascalis, V.; Marucci, F.; Penna, P.M. (1987) Event-related potentials as asymmetry indices of lateralized cognitive processes during music and verbal tasks. Biol. Psychol. 24:141-151. Hantz, E.C.; Crummer, G.C.; Wayman, J.W.; Walton, J.P.& Frisina, R.D. (1992) Effects of musical training and absolute pitch on the neural processing of melodic intervals: A P3 event-related potential study. Music Perception 10:25-42. Janata, P. & Petsche, H. (1993) Spectral analysis of the EEG as a tool for evaluating expectancy violations of musical contexts. Music Perception 10:281-304. Janata, P. (1995) ERP measures assay the degree of expectancy violation of harmonic contexts in music. J. Cog. Neurosci. 7(2):? Klein, M.; Coles, M.G.H.; Donchin, E. (1984) People with absolute pitch process tones without producing a P300. Science 223:1306-1309. Marin, O.S.M. (1982) Neurological aspects of music perception and performance. In The Psychology of Music. Academic Press. Marin, O.S.M. (?? preprint) Neuropsychology, mental cognitive models and music processing. Paulus, W. (1988) Effect of musical modelling on late auditory evoked potentials. Eur. Arch. Psychiatr. Neurol. Sci. 237:307-311. Taub, J.M.; Tanguay, P.E,; Doubleday, C.N.; Clarkson, D.; Remington, R. (1976) Hemisphere and ear asymmetry in the auditory evoked response to musical chord stimuli. Physiological Psych.ology, 4(1), 11-17. Tramo, M.J.; Bharucha, J.J.; Musiek, F.E. (1991) Music perception and cognition following bilateral lesions of auditory cortex. J. Cog. Neurosci. 2:195-212. Paller, K.A.; McCarthy, G & Wood, C.C. (1992) Event-related potentials elicited by deviant endings to melodies. Psychophysiology 29:202-206. Verleger, R. (1990) P3-evoking wrong notes: unexpected, awaited, or arousing? Int. J. Neuroscience 55:171-179. Walker, J.L. (1980) Alpha EEG correlates of performance on a music recognition task. Physiol. Psychol. 8:417-420. Walker, J.L. (1977) Subjective reactions to music and brainwave rhythms. Physiol. Psychol. 5:483-489. Weinberger, N.M. & McKenna, T.M. (1988) Sensitivity of single neurons in auditory cortex to contour: Toward a neurophysiology of music perception. Music Perception 5:355-390. Wieser, H.-G. & Mazzola, G. (1986) Musical consonances and dissonances: Are they distinguished independently by the right and left hippocampi? Neuropsychologia 24:805-812. Zatorre, R.J. (1988) Pitch perception of complex tones and human temporal-lobe function. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54:566-572.

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