Cochlear Nucleus Stellate Cells ("Kien Seng, Wong" )

Subject: Cochlear Nucleus Stellate Cells
From:    "Kien Seng, Wong"  <ksw2(at)LEICESTER.AC.UK>
Date:    Tue, 21 Mar 1995 16:28:34 +0100

I am currently trying to model a single cochlear nucleus stellate cell. I have read through papers by Rhode and Greenberg, Wang and Sachs and others, but all of them seem to only report the response characteristics of stellate cells but not its ionic concentrations. The model I am building requires the use of such concentrations values. I would be grateful if anyone can suggest any possible source where I can obtain such values. Thank you Kien Seng Wong BTSP: Speech and Hearing Section, Engineering Department, University of Leicester E-MAIL : KSW2(at)LE.AC.UK

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