Re: Toshio Irino's Auditory model sound resynthesis (Thierry Rochebois )

Subject: Re: Toshio Irino's Auditory model sound resynthesis
From:    Thierry Rochebois  <thierry(at)MARION.IEF-PARIS-SUD.FR>
Date:    Fri, 17 Mar 1995 17:28:55 +0100

>Also, I've heard that Quatieri/MIT have patent(s) on some part(s) of >the method. I have heard too. I only use this method for research purposes and I don't mean to distribute any piece of software at the moment. Anyway, I will have to work on transients and noisy sounds this will certainly lead to important modification of this algorithm: I use it as a starting point. Thanks for your reference. The basis for my thesis is JM Grey's work on timbral space: I want to define a physical counterpart to Grey's perceptual timbral space. To do so, I will use statistic tools on analysis. That's why I need a good analysis method (i.e. as good as our auditory system)! I have also heard about an Wavelet Auditory Model made in Japan by a Toshio Irino... I think that such a model is what I need. The problem is that I don't have enough information on this topic (just a short IEEE transaction paper). Thanks for your interest, Thierry Rochebois, Doctorant ARCEMA TSI IEF Bat 220 UPS 91405 ORSAY Cidex FRANCE email:thierry(at) WWW:

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