call for papers (Caroline M Palmer )

Subject: call for papers
From:    Caroline M Palmer  <cpalmer(at)MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU>
Date:    Fri, 10 Mar 1995 13:26:53 -0500

March 9, 1995 Dear Colleagues, I have been asked to write an article on the topic of music performance for a chapter in the Annual Review of Psychology (volume 48) and I am writing you to request copies of any published work you have on this topic. Especially relevant are papers in press but not yet in print. This article is intended to be a selective, not comprehensive, review, due to page limits; nonetheless, I hope to solicit papers from various psychological, music-theoretic, and psycho- musicological viewpoints on the topic of music performance and its perception. Please send any relevant papers to me at the address given below by September, 1995, and keep me apprised of any new work if possible. Please also pass on this request to your colleagues in the field. Thank you for your help; I will try to distribute the results of this project when it is completed. Sincerely, Caroline Palmer Psychology Dept. Ohio State University 1885 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43210 U.S.A. cpalmer(at)

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