5, 6 January 1995, IoA meeting, Sheffield, England (mmalcolm Crawford )

Subject: 5, 6 January 1995, IoA meeting, Sheffield, England
From:    mmalcolm Crawford  <M.Crawford(at)DCS.SHEF.AC.UK>
Date:    Wed, 23 Nov 1994 12:27:33 +0000

INSTITUTE OF ACOUSTICS SPEECH GROUP One day meeting, Thursday 5th January, 1995 LINKS BETWEEN SPEECH TECHNOLOGY, SPEECH SCIENCE AND HEARING Hosted by the Institute for Language, Speech and Hearing University of Sheffield The theme of this meeting is to explore ways in which research in hearing, speech technology and phonetics can be mutually beneficial, e.g. auditory modelling and auditory scene analysis as a paradigm for speech recognition in noise; analysis of rhythm in speech and music; statistical modelling of phones in context; auditory analyses of voice pitch; auditory representations of speech sounds. Provisional list of presentations --------------------------------- A system for separating overlapping voices Philip Denbigh, Sussex University Modelling auditory organisation to detect and remove interfering sounds Dan Ellis, MIT Media Lab, Perceptual Computing Dynamic acoustic features in the recognition of speech sounds Gerhard Prinsloo, Technikon OFS, Bloemfontein, South Africa Phonetic classification and the macro-structure of speech -- the neglected dimension of time (provisional title) Steve Greenberg, ICSI Berkeley Phoneme recognition from subsamples selected by a physiologically based method for phoneme transition detection Andrew Morris, Sheffield University Cocktail party speech recognition Markus Bodden, Ru"hr-Universita"t Bochum Auditory representations of speech sounds Roy Patterson, APU Cambridge Prosodically driven syllabic speech recognition using abductive inference Kevin Lenzo, ATR Kyoto Precise and perceptually relevant processing of amplitude modulation of complex sounds : Experiments and models Fre'de'ric Berthommier, (ICP, Grenoble), & Christian Lorenzi (Institut de Psychologie, Lyon) Amplitude modulation in wideband filter channels: useless artifact or useful information? Leslie Smith, Stirling University Recent progress in hybrid connectionist-statistical speech recognition: the ABBOT large vocabulary system Steve Renals (Sheffield University), Tony Robinson & Mike Hochberg (Cambridge University) Primary Segmentation of Auditory Scenes Alon Fishbach, Tel-Aviv University --- The meeting will take place in Lecture Theatre 1 of the Sir Henry Stephenson Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1. Coffee and registration begin at 10:30; presentations will commence at 11:00. There is no registration fee, but please contact us (email preferred) if you'll be attending so that we can send you a map and make adequate provision for refreshments -- in particular please let us know if you require accommodation (a limited number of places are available in University Halls of Residence at 20.25 pounds (stg) per night: we may also be able to help find suitable hotels). Second day workshop: 6th January -------------------------------- Interest in this meeting has already exceeded expectations; for this reason we are very likely to organise a second day, in "workshop format", centred around discussion of a few "burning issues", e.g. "auditory scene analysis for speech recognition in noise?", "the utility of auditory representations for speech recognition systems." We will also make appropriate social arrangements for those staying over. :-) Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to attend, and if there are any issues you would particularly like to be addressed. Have fun, mmalcolm. posn. research facilitator where institute for language speech and hearing sheffield university c/o department of computer science regent court 211 portobello street sheffield s1 4dp england vox (+44) 114 282 5594 fax (+44) 114 278 0972 email m.crawford(at)dcs.shef.ac.uk

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