Subject: Come To ASSETS'94 In Los Angeles! From: at <glinertCS.RPI.EDU> Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 11:41:41 EDT/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ADVANCE PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION FORMS ASSETS '94 The First Annual International ACM/SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies October 31 - November 1, 1994 Doubletree Marina del Rey Hotel Los Angeles, California Sponsored by the ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and the Physically Handicapped, ASSETS '94 is the first of a new annual series of conferences whose goal is to provide a forum where researchers and developers from academia and industry can meet to exchange ideas and report on new developments relating to computer-based systems to help people with impairments and disabilities of all kinds. This announcement includes 5 parts: o ASSETS '94 Advance Program o ASSETS '94 Registration Form o Hotel and Travel Arrangement Information o ACM / SIGCAPH Membership Application o Who are the organizers of ASSETS '94? If you have any questions or would Ephraim P. Glinert like further information, please Dept. of Computer Science contact the ASSETS '94 Program Chair: R. P. I. Troy, NY 12180 E-mail: glinert(at) /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASSETS '94 ADVANCE PROGRAM ========================== SUN 10/30: 18:00-21:00 Registration 19:00-21:00 Reception MON 10/31: 8:00-17:00 Registration 8:00- 9:00 Continental Breakfast 8:45- 9:00 Welcome to ASSETS '94! 9:00-10:00 Keynote I 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 Papers I: Hearing Impairments "Pattern Recognition and Synthesis for Sign Language Translation System" Masaru Ohki, Hirohiko Sagawa, Tomoko Sakiyama, Eiji Oohira, Hisashi Ikeda and Hiromichi Fujisawa - Hitachi (Japan) "Multimedia Dictionary of American Sign Language" Sherman Wilcox and Joanne Scheibman - University New Mexico (USA) Doug Wood - Brains Software (USA) William C. Stokoe - Linstok Press (USA) "A System for Teaching Speech to Profoundly Deaf Children using Synthesized Acoustic and Articulatory Patterns" Elizabeth Keate, Hector Javkin, Norma Antonanzas-Barroso and Ranjun Zou - Panasonic Technologies (USA) 12:00-14:00 Lunch + SIGCAPH Business Meeting 14:00-15:00 Papers II: Augmentative Communication A "Iconic Language Design for People with Significant Speech and Multiple Impairments" P. L. Albacete, S. K. Chang and G. Polese - University of Pittsburgh (USA) B. Baker - Semantic Compaction Systems (USA) "The Application of Spatialization and Spatial Metaphor to Augmentative and Alternative Communication" Patrick Demasco, U. Delaware (USA), Alan F. Newell and John L. Arnott - University of Dundee (UK) 15:00-15:30 Break 15:30-17:30 Papers III: Vision Impairments A "Screen Reader/2: Access to OS/2 and the Graphical User Interface" Jim Thatcher - IBM Research (USA) "Providing Access to Graphical User Interfaces - Not Graphical Screens" W. Keith Edwards, Elizabeth D. Mynatt and Kathryn Stockton - Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) "Increasing Access to Information for the Print Disabled through Electronic Documents in SGML" Bart Bauwens, Jan Engelen and Filip Evenepoel - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Tom Wesley and Chris Tobin - U. Bradford (UK) "Interactive Audio Documents" T. V. Raman, Digital Equipment Corporation (USA) David Gries, Cornell (USA) 18:00-21:00 Buffet Dinner + Keynote II 21:00-22:00 ASSETS '95 Organizational Meeting TUE 11/1: 8:00-12:00 Registration 8:00- 9:00 Continental Breakfast 9:00-10:00 Papers IV: Motor Impairments "An Overview of Programs and Projects at the Rehabilitation Research and Development Center" David L. Jaffe - Dept. of Veteran Affairs Medical Center (USA) "Using the Baby-Babble-Blanket for Infants with Motor Problems: A Case Study" Harriet J. Fell, Linda J. Ferrier, Hariklia Delta, Regina Peterson, Zehra Mooraj and Megan Valleau - Northeastern University (USA) 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 Papers V: Vision Impairments B "Personal Guidance System for the Visually Impaired" Jack M. Loomis and Reginald G. Golledge - University of California at Santa Barbara (USA) Roberta L. Klatzky, Carnegie Mellon (USA) Jon M. Speigle and Jerome Tietz - University of California at Santa Barbara (USA) "Hyperbraille: A Hypertext System for the Blind" Thomas Kieninger and Norbert Kuhn - Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz (Germany) "Automatic Impact Sound Generation for use in Nonvisual Interfaces" Helmut Schauer - University of Zurich (Switzerland) A. Darvishi, V. Guggiana, E. Munteanu, M. Motavalli and M. Rauterberg - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology/ETH (Switzerland) 12:00-14:00 Lunch + Panel (Elizabeth Mynatt, moderator) 14:00-15:00 Papers VI: Augmentative Communication B "A Writing Tool for Physically Disabled Individuals: Lexical Semantics for Filling in the Pieces" Kathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Mark A. Jones, Christopher A. Pennington, Peter B. Vanderheyden and Wendy M. Zickus - University of Delaware (USA) "Validation of a Keystroke-Level Model for a Text Entry System Used by People with Disabilities" Heidi H. Koester and Simon P. Levine - University of Michigan (USA) 15:00-15:30 Break 15:30-17:30 Papers VII: New Directions and Work-in-Progress "An Experimental Sound-Based Hierarchical Menu Navigation System for Visually Handicapped Use of Graphical User Interfaces" Arthur I. Karshmer, Pres Brawner and George Reiswig - New Mexico State University (USA) "A Rule-Based System that Suggests Computer Adaptations for Users with Special Needs" William W. McMillan, Michael Zeiger and Lech Wisniewski - Eastern Michigan University (USA) "LVRS: The Low Vision Research System" Mitchell Krell, University of Southern Mississippi (USA) "EEG as a Means of Communication: Preliminary Experiments in EEG Analysis using Neural Networks" Charles W. Anderson, Saikumar V. Devulapalli and Erik Stolz - Colorado State University (USA) "Audio Formatting of a Graph" Sophie H. Zhang and Mukkai Krishnamoorthy - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) "Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology (DO-IT) on the Electronic Highway" Sheryl Bergstahler and Dan Comden - University of Washington (USA) 17:30 Close ASSETS '94 REGISTRATION FORM ############################################# ============================ This form is 2 pages long. Please print it out, complete both pages and mail it WITH FULL PAYMENT to: Ephraim P. Glinert, ASSETS '94 Dept. of Computer Science R. P. I. Troy, NY 12180 We're sorry, but e-mail registration forms and/or forms not accompanied by full payment (check or credit card information) CANNOT be accepted. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES EARLY LATE / ON-SITE -------------------------------------------------------- ACM member: $ 395 $ 475 Nonmember: $ 580 $ 660 Full time student: $ 220 $ 270 -------------------------------------------------------- 1: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (from the table): $ ___________ 2: EXTRA RECEPTION TICKET (Monday, Oct. 31): $ 40 ___YES ___NO 3: EXTRA COPY OF THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: $ 30 ___YES ___NO TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ ___________ NOTES: o Registration fee includes: ADMISSION to all sessions, one copy of the conference PROCEEDINGS, and MEALS as indicated in the program above. o To qualify for the EARLY rate, your registration must be postmarked on or before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1994. If you are an ACM MEMBER, please supply your ID# __________________ (OR use the membership application below to join ACM and SIGCAPH today!). STUDENTS, please attach a clear photocopy of your valid student ID. o CANCELLATIONS will be accepted up to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1994 subject to a 20% handling fee. ASSETS '94 REGISTRATION FORM (continued) ======================================== PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name __________________________________________________________________________ Affiliation ___________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State/Province __________________________ Country __________________________________ Zip/Postal Code ___________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Telephone _________________________ ***I have a disability for which I require special accommodation ___YES ___NO If YES, please attach a separate sheet with details. Thank you! PAYMENT INFORMATION: ___CHECK in U.S. funds enclosed, made payable to "ACM ASSETS '94" ___Please charge $ ___________ to my CREDIT CARD: Card type: ___AMEX ___VISA ___MasterCard Card # _______________________________________ Expiration Date ___________ Name On Card ______________________________________________________________ Billing Address ___________________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature _______________________________________ (ASSETS '94) ############################################################################### HOTEL AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT INFORMATION ======================================== All conference events will take place at the Doubletree hotel in Marina del Rey (the precise address is 4100 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292). The hotel is located just a few minutes from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). A block of rooms for attendees of ASSETS '94 has been set aside at a special discounted rate of $86 per night (single or double), plus applicable taxes. To reserve space at this price, please call the hotel directly BEFORE OCTOBER 9 at (800) 353 6664 toll free, or (310) 301 3000, and refer to "ACM ASSETS '94". BIRKMAYER TRAVEL, the official travel agency for ASSETS '94, is offering discounted airfares to attendees on United, Delta and USAir. The terms vary for each airline, but in general discounts of up to 50% and more are available, and no Saturday night stay is required. Please note that the reduced fares apply only to travel within the continental United States or originating in Canada, that all prices are subject to change without notice, and fares are guaranteed only after tickets are actually purchased. Space is limited, and some restrictions apply. Please call Birkmayer Travel directly during normal East Coast business hours for further information/reservations: Birkmayer Travel, Inc. 2 Third Street Troy, NY 12180 Tel. (800) 338 5735 (continental U.S. and Canada) (518) 272 2650 (New York State and international) (518) 272 7257 (fax) Special discounted rates have also been arranged with HERTZ for attendees who wish to rent a car. For more information or to make reservations, just call Hertz Conference Services at 1 (800) 654 2240 and mention CV# 13646 (international attendees please contact your local Hertz office with this information). ACM / SIGCAPH MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ==================================== USE THIS 2-PAGE FORM TO JOIN ACM + SIGCAPH TODAY AND SAVE ON CONFERENCE FEES! Please mark the appropriate box(es) and indicate total: ___ACM Associate Member Dues $82 (___Expedited Air Option: $32) ___ACM Student Member Dues $25 (___Expedited Air Option: $32) ___Add SIGCAPH to ACM Membership $15 (___Expedited Air Option: $3) ___Add SIGCAPH to ACM Student Membership $6 (___Expedited Air Option: $3) ___SIGCAPH Membership only (non-ACM) $42 (___Expedited Air Option: $3) ACM Membership No. (if applicable) ____________________ Total due: $__________ Membership in SIGCAPH includes a subscription to Computers and the Physically Handicapped newsletter (published three times a year) and discounted registration fees for any ACM sponsored CAPH conferences and publications. ACM Membership includes a full year's subscription to Communications of the ACM, substantial discounts on Publication Subscriptions, Conference Proceedings, Conference Registration, Special Interest Group (SIG) Memberships and the Member Value Plus program. You may join as an Associate Member and convert to Voting Member status by requesting a "Self Certification" form from ACM's Member Services Department. Purposes: To advance the sciences and arts of information processing; to promote the free interchange of information processing among computing specialists and the public; and to develop and maintain the integrity and competence of individuals engaged in the practice of information processing. As an ACM member, I subscribe to the purposes of ACM: Signature __________________________________________________ (___YES ___NO) ACM / SIGCAPH MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (continued) ================================================ Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________ Telephone _______________________ City _______________________________ State/Province __________________________ Country __________________________________ Zip/Postal Code ___________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Fax _______________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: ___Check enclosed payable to "ACM, Inc." ___Please charge my Credit Card: Card type: ___AMEX ___VISA ___MasterCard Card #__________________________________________Expiration Date____________ Signature_______________________________________________________ (CAPH94) If you're completing this application online, please e-mail to: ACMHELP(at) If you're printing this application out, please remit to: ACM P.O. Box 12115 Church St. Station New York, NY 10257 USA For inquiries regarding membership, contact the service center nearest you: ACM Member Services Department ACM European Service Center 1515 Broadway, 17th Floor Avenue Marcel Thiry 204 New York, NY 10036, USA 1200 Brussels, BELGIUM Phone: +1-212-626-0500 Phone: +32 2 774 9602 Fax: +1-212-944-1318 Fax: +32 2 774 9690 Email: ACMHELP(at) Email: ACM_EUROPE(at) WHO ARE THE ORGANIZERS OF ASSETS '94? ==================================== General Chair: Theodor D. Sterling, Simon Fraser University Program Committee: Norman Alm, University of Dundee Julie Baca, Waterways Experiment Station Meera M. Blattner, LLNL and U. California at Davis James L. Caldwell, IBM RISC Adaptive Technologies S.-K. Chang, University of Pittsburgh Patrick Demasco, University of Delaware Alistair D.N. Edwards, University of York Gerald L. Engel, National Science Foundation Carl Friedlander, ISX Corp. Hiromichi Fujisawa, Hitachi (Japan) Ephraim P. Glinert (Chair), RPI Ralph Guertin, MITRE Corp. Robert J.K. Jacob, Tufts University David L. Jaffe, Palo Alto VA Medical Center Earl Johnson, Sun Microsystems Labs Karen Kukich, Bell Communications Research Richard E. Ladner, University of Washington Clayton Lewis, University of Colorado at Boulder Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Georgia Inst. of Technology Randy Pausch, University of Virginia T.V. Raman, DEC Cambridge Research Laboratory Gregg C. Vanderheiden, TRACE Center at U. Wisconsin A. Rudy Vener, AT&T Bell Labs Bryant W. York, Northeastern University Treasurer: David H. Leserman, NOAA If you have any questions or would Ephraim P. Glinert like further information, please Dept. of Computer Science contact the ASSETS' 94 Program Chair: R. P. I. Troy, NY 12180 E-mail: glinert(at) /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\