Techniques, Perception, and Applications of Time-Compressed Speech (Barry Arons )

Subject: Techniques, Perception, and Applications of Time-Compressed Speech
From:    Barry Arons  <barons(at)MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
Date:    Fri, 15 Jul 1994 00:10:39 -0500

In addition to the phase vocoder, there are a variety of other techniques for time compressing speech. Enclosed is a citation and ftp information of a paper that reviews time compressed speech including the limits of perception, practical time-domain compression techniques, and an extensive bibliography. B. Arons. Techniques, Perception, and Applications of Time-Compressed Speech. In Proceedings of 1992 Conference, American Sep. 1992, pp. 169-177. ftp get /usr/public/pub/barons/

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