Mac-based sound tools (Dan Freed )

Subject: Mac-based sound tools
From:    Dan Freed  <dfreed(at)SONIC.COM>
Date:    Wed, 13 Jul 1994 10:39:30 PDT

Subject: Mac-based sound tools Mark DeWitt asks about Macintosh-based sound editing and analysis tools. At the risk of betraying personal bias, I have to mention the company I work for. Sonic Solutions (San Rafael, CA) makes a Mac-based digital audio workstation consisting of both hardware and software. It offers all the features you mention, with the exception of pitch tracking. For more information, call (415)485-4800. And, for the sake of balance, I'll mention a competitor: Digidesign, based in Menlo Park, CA, also makes a hardware/software system. Their number is (415)688-0600. I would also recommend DSP Designer, a package of Macintosh software from Zola Technologies in Atlanta. It provides signal analysis tools, filter design and varous other features. It must be run from within the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW), which can be purchased from Apple. Zola's number is (404)843-2972 (unless it has changed since 1989).

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