sound compress (Jianjun Wen )

Subject: sound compress
From:    Jianjun Wen  <jjwen(at)KLAB.CALTECH.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 11 Jul 1994 15:46:10 -0700

Hi , guys This is Jiajun from Caltech . Now our lab wants to compress sound for some psychophysics experiments . What we want to do is not compressing data, but compress in the time scale , say , compress a 2 seconds sound file to a 1 sec file without changing the pitch too much , so the sound is still understandable . We found some software on Mac can do it , however , since our lab does not has a Mac , we can not install it . I wonder if any of you know if there is this kinds of software available for UNIX machines , or the principle how this kind of compression is done , so probably we can write some code by ourselves. Any suggestion from you will be fully appreciated . Thank you for your time. Jiajun

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