Job announcement (Sid Bacon )

Subject: Job announcement
From:    Sid Bacon  <ATSYB%ASUACAD.BITNET(at)>
Date:    Thu, 23 Jun 1994 19:07:49 -0700

ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCY (PENDING FINAL BUDGETARY APPROVAL) ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY TEMPE, ARIZONA COLLEGE: LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES DEPARTMENT: SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCE FACULTY POSITION: ASSIST. OR ASSOC. PROFESSOR OF AUDIOLOGY (Tenure-track or Tenured) (Pending final budgetary approval) POSITION DESCRIPTION: Nine-month, tenure-track or tenured position. Responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in audiology, directing student research, and developing a research program in area of expertise. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Ph.D. degree by appointment date of 16 August 1995. Strong research background as evidenced by publications and grant activity. Appointment at Associate Professor level will be made with teaching and publication record appropriate to that rank. Desired: Success in external research funding. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15 December 1994, or 15th of following months until filled. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Submit vita, sampling of recent reprints, three current letters of recommendation, statement of career goals, and letter of application specifying rank for which you are applying to: Sid P. Bacon, Ph.D. Search Committee Chair Department of Speech and Hearing Science Arizona State University Box 870102 Tempe, AZ 85287-0102 (atsyb(at) GENERAL INFORMATION: Arizona State University is the sixth largest university in the United States, located in Tempe in the greater Phoenix area. The department's graduate training program holds ASHA Educational Standards Board accreditation in both speech-language pathology and audiology. The department's interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, which includes faculty from speech and hearing science, psychology, bio-medical engineering, linguistics, and nursing, offers unique opportunities for collaborative research. Arizona State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

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