Re: Audio caracteristics better than visual. (Malcolm Crawford )

Subject: Re: Audio caracteristics better than visual.
From:    Malcolm Crawford  <M.Crawford(at)DCS.SHEFFIELD.AC.UK>
Date:    Tue, 22 Jun 1993 17:44:44 GMT

> We're looking for any kind of work on human perception to find > characteristics of the auditory system that are better than the > visual system. > >From extensive reading of the literature in both auditory and visual perception, we at Sheffield are gradually coming round to the idea that the auditory system is considerably better adapted than the visual system at detecting small variations in air pressure, as might be caused for example by the action of a drawing a bow across a taught violin string. The visual system, on the other hand, appears to have a greater ability to detect and differentiate between a limited range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation at various intensities, as might be generated for example, by passing an electric current through a filament enclosed in a vacuum. I hope this helps? Have fun :-) Malcolm. --- SHeffield Auditory Group | Tel : (+44) 742 768555 ext 5569 Dept. Computer Science | direct : 825569 Sheffield University | Fax : (+44) 742 780972 Regent Court | Email: M.Crawford(at) 211 Portobello Street | (NeXTMail welcome) Sheffield S1 4DP, UK. | (Read-Receipts discouraged :-) E.M. Sorry, couldn't resist it, especially as somebody else encouraged me!

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