Subject: Related list From: "Lawrence L. Feth" <feth(at)SHS.OHIO-STATE.EDU> Date: Fri, 7 May 1993 10:29:50 EDTI have noted the appearance of several messages on the "Perception" list that might be of interest to the ASHA SID6 list. I have been "hi-jacking" them and sending them on to that still small group. I thought I would send this info for those of you who might want to subscribe to it. Thanks Larry Feth Here is a crude list of subscribers to the SID6 e-mail server. We (you) should be able to send a review request to listserv(at) to get this at anytime. However, another bug has appeared. Although everyone is subscribe as not concealed, the review command won't give out the names. We'll let you know when it is fixed. Also, two people are apparently subscribed twice? At least they show up on the list twice. Paul Nailand and Larry Peterson - are you getting two copies of everything? If so, you might try to unsubscribe one of the listings. After a small flurry of activity following the Research Bulletin notice activity has tapered off. I have been stealing a few thing from the Auditory Perception list at McGill if it seemed to be of interest. Comments and suggestions for use of the list are welcome Larry 047NAIL(at)WITSVMA.WITS.AC.ZA Paul Nailand CARNEYA(at)BOYSTOWN.ORG Arlene Carney WTM(at)SHELDEV.SHEL.ISC-BR.COM Bill Mcgarry YPARMLY(at)LUCCPUA.BITNET William A Yost HSSDEAN(at)OUACCVMB.BITNET Richard Dean ATSYB(at)ASUACAD.BITNET Sid Bacon CDSJOAN(at)UBVMS.BITNET Joan Sussman DURRANT(at)PITTVMS.BITNET John Durrant CHAMPLIN(at)UTXVMS.BITNET Craig Champlin GWHITELA(at)UCS.INDIANA.EDU Gail Whitelaw DUBNOJR(at)LP.MUSC.EDU Judy Dubno R-BILGER(at)UIUC.EDU Bob Bilger HUFF(at)SHS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Charlie Huff (SHS systems administrator) FETH(at)SHS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Larry Feth WALL(at)SHS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Lida Wall DAVIDSON(at)SHS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Stephanie Davidson CC38(at)SDSUMUS.SDSTATE.EDU Larry Peterson PREECE(at)URIACC.URI.EDU ?? Preece IFQS100(at)INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU Ifqs(at) TDECKER(at)UNLINFO.UNL.EDU Newell Decker SANTIP(at)STAFF.TC.UMN.EDU Peter Santi R1SAL(at)VM1.CC.UAKRON.EDU Sharon Lesner LYNN%COMMDISORDER%UAKRON(at)BUCHTEL.CC.UAKRON.EDU Jim Lynn ELEVI(at)U.WASHINGTON.EDU Elevi(at) LAWERNER(at)U.WASHINGTON.EDU Lynn Werner AREHART(at)SPOT.COLORADO.EDU Kathy Arehart R1491(at)VMCMS.CSUOHIO.EDU John Madden PFITZGIB(at)GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU Pete Fitzgibbons IBICKNELL(at)DESIRE.WRIGHT.EDU Ina Bicknell TRATNANA(at)EUREKA-GOLD.WBME.JHU.EDU Tilak Ratnanather CREEDONT(at)OHSU.EDU Tom Creedont SPAAUD(at)HENSON.CC.WWU.EDU Spaaud(at) SAS(at)CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU Sas(at)