CALL FOR PAPERS: Psychology Graduate Students Journal (c) (Matthew Simpson )

Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: Psychology Graduate Students Journal (c)
From:    Matthew Simpson  <054340%UOTTAWA.BITNET(at)VM1.MCGILL.CA>
Date:    Fri, 23 Apr 1993 13:56:32 EDT

=============================== === GENERAL CALL FOR PAPERS === =============================== The Psychology Graduate Student Journal: The PSYCGRAD Journal (c) Address: psygrd-j(at) psygrd-j(at)uottawa.bitnet The PSYCGRAD Project is proud to announce that papers written by graduate students in the field of psychology are being accepted for publication in The Psychology Graduate Student Journal: The PSYCGRAD Journal (psygrd-j(at) psygrd-j(at)uottawa.bitnet). The purpose of The Psychology Graduate Student Journal is to publish professional-level papers in the field of psychology from the graduate student perspective. This journal is being compiled and produced by a team of 20 editors covering 19 broad topic areas in the field of psychology. All editors are graduate students in or directly associated with the field of psychology. The journal is open for public subscription and is targeted to anyone interested in psychology. TOPICS CURRENTLY REQUESTED AND BEING COVERED: --------------------------------------------- Aging Cognitive Psychology Comparative & Developmental Psychobiology Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Human Sexuality Industrial / Organizational Psychology Graduate Student Issues Motivation and Emotion Neuroscience Personality Psycholinguistics Psychological Assessment Psychopathology-Nosology-Etiology Psychophysics and Perception Psychotherapy School Counseling Social Cognition Social Psychology Volumes of the journal are each compiled by a member of the editing team. Each member is responsible for a specific topic area. All submissions are subject to the editing process and must adhere to the guidelines found below. Please review this list of editors. Please be invited to contact via e-mail the editor who is primarily responsible for the topic for which you would like to publish your paper. NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND TOPICS OF EDITORS: (alphabetically by topic) Name: David Kurzman Institution: Concordia, Montreal Quebec Address: davek(at) Topic: Aging Name: Matthew Prull Institution: Claremont Graduate School Address: PRULLM(at)CGSVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU Topic: Cognitive Psychology Name: Kathy Morgan Address: kmorgan(at)wheatnma.bitnet kathleen_morgan(at) Topic: Comparative and Developmental Psychobiology Name: Jason Evan Mihalko Institution: City University of New York Name: ak789(at) Topic: Developmental Psychology Industrial / Organizational Psychology Names: Christopher G Kolar & Punya Mishra (co-editor) Institution: University of Illinois, Champaign - Urbana Address: c-kolar(at) p-mishra(at) Topic: Educational Psychology Name: Rick Adams Institution: Norwich University, Montpelier, VT Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI Address: adamsr(at) Topic: Human Sexuality Name: Nancy Briton Address: briton(at)nuhub.bitnet briton(at) Topic: Graduate Student Issues Name: Todd D. Nelson Institution: Michigan State University Address: 22817MGR(at)MSU.Bitnet nelsont1(at) (Internet) Topics: Motivation and Emotion Name: Monika Trzcinska Address: 054470(at)uottawa.bitnet 054470(at) Topic: Neuroscience Name: Lynn E. Hanninen Address: leh1(at)Lehigh.EDU Institution: Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA Topic: Co-editing Neuroscience Name: Tracy Moncrief Institution: Claremont Graduate School Address: moncriet(at) Topic: Personality Name: Zazie Todd Institution: University of Nottingham, England Address: kzt(at) Topic: Psycholinguistics Name: David M. Fresco Address: fresco(at)unc.bitnet fresco(at) Topic: Psychopathology-Nosology-Etiology Name: Rodney Timbrook Institution: Kent State University Address: rtimbroo(at)kentvm Topics: Psychological Assessment Name: Christopher J. Whaley Institution: Georgia Tech Address: whaley(at) Topic: Psychophysics and Perception Name: Peter Fay Address: faype(at) faype(at)bcvms.bitnet Topic: Psychotherapy Name: Paul Lowry Institution: University of Florida Address: plowry(at)nervm.bitnet plowry(at) Topic: School Counseling Name: Elizabeth Case Institution: DePaul University, Chicago Address: PSYGRDDEC(at) Topic: Social Cognition Co-editing Motivation and Emotion Name: Sharon Gordon Institution: University of North Carolina, Greensboro Address: gordonse(at) gordonse(at)uncg.bitnet Topic: Social Psychology Executive Editor - Matthew Simpson School of Psychology - University of Ottawa Ottawa - Ontario - Canada (see address below) REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION: 1. All submitted articles should be in text format. 2. All articles should contain a table of contents outlined according to 0.0 Abstract 1 Main topic number one 1.1 First sub-topic of main topic one 1.1.1 First sub-sub-topic of main topic one 1.2 Second sub-topic of main topic one 2 Second main topic etc... 3. Each paragraph should begin with the appropriate number outlined in the table of contents. (Items 2 and 3, mentioned above, are necessary because bold and italic fonts are not recognized on most electronic-mail systems). 4. Each line should be no greater than 70 columns in width. This is necessary to decrease line-wrapping across systems. 5. APA guidelines must be adhered to (except where otherwise inconvenienced by electronic format, eg. items above) 6. The author of the article maintains full copyright. However, The PSYCGRAD Journal retains the right, for its purposes, to replicate and distribute the article. 7. Articles must not have been published elsewhere in written form. (Not published in journals; May have been posters or talks at conferences) Articles accepted for publication in The PSYCGRAD Journal may be published elsewhere at a later date with the permission of the Executive Editor if the editor(s) of the second journal are notified of this publication, and it is noted in any subsequent publication that the article was originally published in The PSYCGRAD Journal. 8. After the title of each article, the author's name, postal address, e-mail address, and affiliated institution must appear. 9. A list of keywords must also be provided. PSYGRD-J Subscriptions are open to the public. The journal is currently being maintained by a program called Listserv, and is distributed to the Internet and Bitnet electronic community. It is intended that with time, the journal will obtain ISSN classification and operate as a landmark publication in the psychology community. Archives will be available via FTP at and by Gopher at SUBSCRIBE to the journal by sending the following command to listserv(at)uottawa or listserv(at) sub psygrd-j Yourfirstname Yourlastname The Psychology Graduate Student Journal: The PSYCGRAD Journal (c) is part of a larger system, called The PSYCGRAD Project. The project is broken into two main functions: graduate student discussion and communication; and graduate student publication. ********************************************************************** The PSYCGRAD Project === Communications === PSYCGRAD(at)UOTTAWA (Psychology Graduate Students Discussion List) PSYGRRAD(at)UOTTAWA (The PSYCGRAD Digest) - with the SET PSYCGRAD DIGEST option) bit.listserv.psycgrad (The NETNEWS Shadow of PSYCGRAD) === Publication / Production === PSYGRD-J(at)UOTTAWA (The Psychology Graduate Student Journal: The PSYCGRAD Journal) === Gopher Access === (The PSYCGRAD Gopher) === FTP Access === (Archives Driving the Gopher) /u/ftp/pub/psycgrad ((at)uottawa = (at) for those with internet access) ********************************************************************* (c) The Psychology Graduate Student Journal is a production of The PSYCGRAD Project (Copyright by Matthew Simpson). For a more detailed announcement of The PSYCGRAD Project, contact The Executive Producer and Editor, Matthew Simpson, at the address below. Have Fun! O======================================================================O | _ l _ * Matthew Simpson * BITNET: | | \_l_/ * School of Psychology * 054340(at)uottawa.bitnet | | l * 145 Jean Jacques Lussier * INTERNET: | | l * Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 * 054340(at) | O======================================================================O

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