Subject: Re: Segregation with neural nets From: at <parncuttSOUND.MUSIC.MCGILL.CA> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 08:58:26 EDT>Tried somebody to use neural nets ? (Has anybody tried to use neural nets?) If they have, they are very courageous! _____________________________________ Dear Bernard, Perhaps you will find these additional references useful. By the way, I have Cheveigne's article, it has a very good literature review. I wrote a draft research grant proposal on the subject of automatic stream segregation. Would you like to read it? Richard _____________________ Some references to algorithms on sound segregation: Brown, G. (1992). Computational auditory scene analysis: A representational approach. PhD thesis, Dept of Computer Science, University of Sheffield. <g.brown(at)> Chafe, C., Jaffe, D., Kashima, K., Mont-Reynaud, B., & Smith, J. (1985). Techniques for note identification in polyphonic music. Report no. STAN-M-29, CCRMA. Chafe, C., Mont-Reynaud, B., & Rush, L. (1982). Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Recognition of musical constructs. CMJ, 6(1), 30-41. Cheveigne, Alain (IRCAM) -- Separation of concurrent harmonic sounds: Fundamental frequency estimation and a time-domain cancellation model of auditory processing. Submitted to JASA. Chowning, J., & Mont-Reynaud, B. (1986). Intelligent analysis of composite acoustic signals. Report no. STAN-M-36, CCRMA. Chowning, J., Rush, L., Mont-Reynaud, B., Chafe, C., Schloss, W.A., & Smith, J. (1984). Intelligent systems for the analysis of digitized acoustic signals. Report no. STAN-M-15, CCRMA. Cooke, M. (1993) Thesis to be published by Cambridge UP. <m.cooke(at)> Cooke, M.P., & Brown, G.J. (accepted). Computational Auditory Scene Analysis: Exploiting the continuity illusion. Speech Communication Dannenberg, R.B., & Mont-Reynaud, B. (1987). Following an improvisation in real time. ICMC proceedings, 241-248. Ellis, Daniel P. W. PhD thesis. <dpwe(at)> Foster, S., Schloss, W.A., & Rockmore, A.J. (1982). Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Signal processing methods. CMJ, 6(1), 42-51. Heinbach, W. PhD thesis, TU Munich. (Very good!) Mellinger, D. <davem(at)cs.Stanford.EDU> PhD thesis and papers on auditory modeling, source formation/separation, amplitude and frequency comodulation, source formation, wavelets Schloss, WE. (1984). On the automatic transcription of percussive music. (?) PhD thesis, Stanford Terhardt, E. (1985). Fourier transformation of time signals: Conceptual revision. Acustica, 57, 242-256.<ter(at)>