Int. Cong. on Pattern Rec. (at)

Subject: Int. Cong. on Pattern Rec.
From:    at <bregmanCCRMA.STANFORD.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 29 Dec 1993 19:11:16 PST

---------- Dear List members, I would like to draw to your attention the FEBRUARY 1 DEADLINE for submitting papers for the International Conferences on Pattern Recognition (Jerusalem, Oct 9-13, 1994). Please submit papers in the auditory/acoustic area directly to David Malah (malah(at) If it's not too much trouble, also send me a note that you've done so. For your information, the following is the latest draft for the tutorials that are planned to precede the conferences. ============ D R A F T =======23 Dec 93======= D R A F T ================= 12-ICPR Tutorials: Sunday, 9 October 1994. Signal Processing (Malah) ----------------- S. Furui (NTT, Japan) - "Speech Recognition Techniques - Present and Future" M. Tekalp (Univ. of Rochester) - "Digital Video Processing" Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks (Tishby) --------------------------------------- H. Baird (Bell Labs) - "Document Image Analysis" Yann le Cun (Bell Labs) - "Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition" Computer Vision (Huang) --------------- O. Faugeras - "Invariant Theory for Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision" B. Haralick - "Mathematical Morphology for Vision and Signal Processing" Architecture (Tanimoto) ------------ V. Cantoni and M. Ferretti - "Special Chips for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing" (pending) R. Hummel - "Parallel computing methods for Object Recognition" Happy New Year to all, Al Bregman

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