Subject: Re: Auditory vrs. Visual Learning From: Kevin Baker <klb(at)DE-MONTFORT.AC.UK> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1993 09:36:09 +0000Greg, it must be plain that dyslexic people do hear and see as the rest of us do. Dyslexia never 'existed' until it was noticed that certain head injury patients had specific difficulty in reading while their general intellectual skills were unimpaired, and then that some children displayed similar symptoms without head injury, i.e. a developmental problem. I have some references which I will pass on to you refering to phonological segmentation, short term auditory/phonological memory and visual tracking tasks. An as yet untested hypothesis is whether dyslexic children have a general processing problem with quickly changing information, or whether dyslexic children can be 'sub-typed' into dyseidetic and dysphonetic readers having processing problems in different sensory areas. Part of my PhD research is looking into non-speech audio perception to test the hypothesis of whether the auditory processing problem in dyslexia is truly phonetic (higher-levle speech specific) or of a more general auditory character. Will be in touch with the refs soon, Kevin L. Baker Department of Human Communication De Montfort University, Leicester, LE7 9SU