(Pierre Divenyi )

From:    Pierre Divenyi  <marva4!pdivenyi(at)UCDAVIS.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 20 Oct 1993 15:43:42 PDT

ucdavis!auditory(at)vm1.mcgill.ca Received: by marva4.UUCP (5.51/5.17) id AA28033; Wed, 20 Oct 93 10:57:06 PDT Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 10:57:06 PDT From: marva4!pdivenyi (Pierre Divenyi) Message-Id: <9310201757.AA28033(at)marva4.UUCP> To: ucdavis!auditory(at)vm1.mcgill.ca Subject: Re: Jeffress model ( was: neurophysiology and missing fundamental) Apropos the Jeffress model in neurophysiology, there is a series of papers by Don Johnson and Chiyeko Tsutchitani on a very elegant physiological model of the MSO. I don't have the references, but Don will probably provide you with the necessary information if you e-mail him a request (dhj(at)rice.edu). Pierre Divenyi

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