The Net ADvertiser (NetAdvertiser )

Subject: The Net ADvertiser
From:    NetAdvertiser  <netad(at)UDS01.UNIX.ST.IT>
Date:    Mon, 23 Aug 1993 15:18:50 +0200

***************************************************************************** Are you trying to sell your car, your home, your drums, your whole Jimi Hendrix's bootlegs collection? Are you going to rent your flat at Aspen for the summer time? Or maybe you are looking for a car, or for a new job, or for friends to spend all the nights watching Peter Greenaways's movies or playing Diplomacy. Even if you are offering jobs and managing a commercial company you can enter the world of: T H E N E T A D V E R T I S E R The Net Advertiser is a mailing list created to give all the Internet community the opportunity to widespread private sales, rent, offer messages. Everybody can find a place in The Net Advertiser digest, even commercial companies. This is a list maintained by the InfoNet Project, a group of computer science experts, students and consultants whose aim is the propagation of all kind of information across the Internet and CREN world. Advertising in the digest is completely free, except for commercial companies which must submit a 75 $ fee in order to support the InfoNet Project work. For any information, subscription and submission write to: netad(at) *****************************************************************************

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maintained by:
DAn Ellis <>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University