Dear Jérémie,
You might be interested in this material (4 speakers):
Hi everyone,I am currently looking for free-of-right stimuli containing conversation between two to four speakers in french, for a behavioral task.If someone knew of a database or any source where I could find this, it would help me a lot.Thanks a lot for your help and have a great weekend !BestJeremie Ginzburg
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Grimault Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique UMR CNRS 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus 95 boulevard Pinel 69675 Bron Cedex France Vocal: 33 (0)4 81 10 65 73 Email: nicolas.grimault@xxxxxxx ___.-----.______ ___.-----'::::::::::::::::`---.___ _ _ _.--._ (:::;,-----'~~~~~`----::::::::::.. `-. ,-(|)--(|)-. _ .'_---. `--.__ `~~' `~`--.:::::`.. `.. \_ .. _/ ; `-.____.-' ' {0} ` `--._`---.____ `:::::::: : :: \______/ :_^ ~ `--.___ `----.__`----.____ ~::::::.`;': V V ____ :`--.__,-----.___( `---.___ `---.___ `----.___ ~|;:,' : | `.^^`. /^,--` `-.___,---.____ _, ._ `----.____ `----.__ `-----.___;--' ; : \^^^\ (^^\ `---' `. `._ `)) , , , `----.____.----.____ --' :| |^^^| _,-._ \^^\ / `,--.\ `.` ` ` ` , , , _.-- `-----'|' (^^^^\ __ _,-'^^^^^`. _,'^^) _.~~~~~~._____ __./'_/' : .:----.___ ` ` ` `` .-' , , :::' \^^^^`._,-'^^`-._.'^^^^__^^^^ `--'^^^_/ ///--\; ____ : :' ____`---.___.--:: , ` ` ::' \^^^^^ ^^^_^^^^^^^_,-' `.^^^^^^^^_/ `' _.' ( /______ ( `-._ `-._,-' `.____,-' `-.__.' `-.___.' .-' __.-// /_______---' `-._ `. ~~~ ///// `' ~~~~~~ ~~ ______; ::. `'`' /_______ _.' , ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ /___.---' --__ ` ~~~ ___ ___ ( _< >_ ) c~~p ,---------. // \\ ,---'oo ) \ \\___..___// ( O O )/ `-( )-' `=^=' / _|__|_ \ , . / /_|__|_\ \\ |-----'| / /_|__|_\ ||__| |_|__| /_\__/_\ \ || / _) || ( ) \\___// `---' -------------------------------------------------------------------