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Re: [AUDITORY] Free of right naturalistic conversation stimuli

Dear Jérémie,

You might be interested in this material (4 speakers):




Le 26/04/2024 à 23:11, Jérémie Ginzburg, Dr a écrit :
Hi everyone, 
I am currently looking for free-of-right stimuli containing conversation between two to four speakers in french, for a behavioral task.
If someone knew of a database or any source where I could find this, it would help me a lot.
Thanks a lot for your help and have a great weekend !
Jeremie Ginzburg
Nicolas Grimault
Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique
UMR CNRS 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus
95 boulevard Pinel
69675 Bron Cedex
Vocal: 33 (0)4 81 10 65 73
Email: nicolas.grimault@xxxxxxx
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