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[AUDITORY] Auditory research at the 2024 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop

I want to invite people on this list to consider applying to attend the 2024Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop. Claire Pelofi (NYU) and I are leading the auditory group this year and we are planning to investigate how we can model and understand how the brain understands music and speech, and how the motor and visual systems help make this all possible.  Over the years, many Telluride projects have turned into interesting papers.  This includes the work from a few years ago which demonstrated the first real-time auditory attention decoder using EEG and now has more than 700 citations.

Senior PhD students, postdocs and industrial researchers are encouraged to apply.  In the end approximately 10 applicants (for the full three weeks) and ~10 faculty (in and out over the workshop) will study a number of auditory ideas. Cross-institution collaborations are strongly encouraged.  We will have EEG hardware on site. This is a three-week long working workshop. Attendees work on projects with faculty and other applicants to define an interesting question, collect the data (in Telluride or from afar) and summarize the idea and the results at end of the three weeks.  It is intense and fun.

Oh, and by the way, Telluride is a *beautiful* town, sitting at nearly 9000 ft above sea level, and the mountains start literally blocks from downtown and go up another 3000 feet.

More details are below. Drop me a note if you have any questions.

- Malcolm

Call for Applications to 2024 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, June 30 –July 19, 2024

The application website is  here.

DEADLINE: April 8, 2024

We are currently accepting applications to the 2024 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop. The Workshop has been influential in shaping the field of neuromorphic engineering and serving as a forum connecting across disciplines such as artificial intelligence, neuroscience, cognitive science, machine learning, robotics, computer vision, signal processing, and electrical engineering.

The four Topic Areas for this year's workshop are:

    NIC24: Neuromorphic integrated circuits
        Leaders: Shantanu Chakrabartty (WashU), Jason Eshraghian (UC Santa Cruz), Andreas Andreou (Johns Hopkins) 
    AUD24: Understanding the auditory brain with neural networks 
        Leaders: Claire Pelofi (NYU) and Malcolm Slaney (Stanford) 
    L&T24:  Language and thought
        Leaders: Ivana Kajić (Google Deepmind), Guido Zarrella (Mitre)
    SPA24: Neuromorphic systems and robots for space applications 
        Leaders: Gregory Cohen (West Sydney Univ.), Gregor Lenz (NeuroBus) 

Application Website Open - 12 March 2024
Application Close - 08 April, 2024
Notification of Acceptance - 15 April, 2024