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[AUDITORY] XXIV Colloquium of Musical Informatics (CIM) – Call for participation

[Apologies for cross-posting, please distribute]


We are glad to announce that the XXIV edition of the CIM (Colloquium of
Musical Informatics) will take place in Turin, Italy on September 30 –
October 2, 2024.

We invite the community to submit their scientific and musical
contributions for being presented/performed during the 3-days

Details, including topics, tracks and formats can be found at the
following links:
Call for Papers: https://www.aimi-musica.org/?page_id=3961
Call for Works: https://www.aimi-musica.org/?page_id=3997

Important dates:
Submission deadline for musical works: April 15, 2024
Submission deadline for scientific communications: April 30, 2024
Notification to authors: June 15, 2024
Final version for scientific communications: July 15, 2024

On behalf of the organizing committees,

Kind regards,
Davide Andrea Mauro, Ph.D.

Paderborn University

Hornsche Str. 39
32756 Detmold, Germany

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