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[AUDITORY] Internship position on VR and 3D audio for post-stroke rehabilitation

Hi All:

We have an exciting internship opportunity at LISN and VAC laboratories (Paris Saclay and Paris Cité) next spring/summer to work on a virtual reality app based on 3D audio training for post-stroke rehabilitation.

We are looking for graduate student with a background and interest in 3D audio, cognitive psychology, or virtual reality to join us. Students filling these roles will receive valuable experience through working in a multidisciplinary research team and, ideally, results of the summer work would lead to a publication.
For more details and to apply, please view the job description joint. 

Please feel free to contact tifanie.bouchara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and alma.guilbert@xxxxxxxxxx with questions about the position.

Kind regards,
Tifanie Bouchara and Alma Guilbert

Attachment: InternshipPosition_AudioRV-AP.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Tifanie Bouchara
Associate Professor LISN - VENISE team
Polytech' Paris-Saclay
LISN, Campus universitaire Paris-Saclay, bât 512 Rue du Belvedère, 91405 ORSAY
Tel : +33 (0)1 69 15 55 25 / +33 (0)6 25 31 49 75