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[AUDITORY] Submit an abstract to present in the EARS trainee session

We are now accepting submissions for a special E.A.R.S. Trainee Session on December 12. E.A.R.S. is a monthly online seminar series on auditory neuroscience featuring presentations by researchers in earlier stages of their careers with the focus on their latest data.  Research trainees at graduate or post-doctoral stage in auditory neuroscience are welcome to submit their abstract for consideration. The trainee session will feature five 10-minute presentations, selected by the EARS organizing committee from submissions. Please submit your abstract by Nov. 23 to be given full consideration: https://forms.gle/2kLrVe4PPjb4nqFM9

This is a great opportunity to recycle your SFN, APAN or ARO abstract and give the presentation one more time!

Please spread the word and encourage your trainees to submit!
For updates and reminders about future seminars, please subscribe to our mail list by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visiting the following the link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears2022

— Organizing committee

Dr. Matila Gibbons, Dr. Bhanu Shukla, Dr. Yale Cohen and Dr. Maria Geffen


Maria N. Geffen, Ph.D. (she/her)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Neurology
Co-Director, Computational Neuroscience Initiative
Stemmler Hall G14
3450 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104
My zoom room
Follow me @geffenlab@mastodon.world
Twitter: @neimarkgeffen