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[AUDITORY] Errata "The Perceptual Structure of Sound"

Dear list, 
In the course of the production of my book "The Perceptual Structure of Sound", in addition to some usual errors, many edits were applied that led to errors or ambiguities that escaped my attention in proofreading the book. For instance, in many cases when a preposition such as "at" or "of" precedes a number followed by "Hz", e.g., "500 Hz", the preposition was removed. In most cases, the reader will directly understand what is meant but, in various cases, the result is ambiguous or incorrect. This "Errata", https://dhermes.ieis.tue.nl/PSS/PSS-errata.html,  will hopefully correct these errors and disambiguate otherwise ambiguous expressions.

All the best,

Dik J. Hermes
Research Scientist Perception and Sounds (retired)
Human-Technology Interaction
Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Internal address: ATL 9.401
Tel.: +31 40 247 2889 (secr.)