9:00 Welcome and agenda
9:10 Gap analysis work from the 1st Habitats Workshop (David Waddington - University of Salford)
9:30 Funded projects from the University of Salford (REFMAP, PLAN-B) (Mike Wood - University of Salford)
9:50 Impacts of anthropogenic sounds on bird call activities: a case study in Aachen, Germany (Margret Engel - University of Salford)
10:10 Coffee break
10:40 The impact of human-created noise on bird diversity: Considerations for wildlife management (Vinicius Goulart / Camila Palhares Teixeira - UEMG, Brazil)
11:00 What are consultancies and industries doing about anthropogenic noise impact assessment on birds? – Biodiversity Net Gain (Lewis Deacon - AECOM)
11:30 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 What do we know about noise impacts on birds?
A systematic review focusing on acoustic methodology (Margret Engel/Mike Wood - University of Salford)
13:20 Structure and dynamics of animal choruses in tropical environments: insights from network analysis (Marina Duarte - University of Salford)
13:40 Discussion
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Discussion: beyond Habitats (Mike Wood - University of Salford)
15:30 Summary of the Workshop