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[AUDITORY] Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Challenge (AVSEC-2)

We are currently running a 2nd edition of the COG-MHEAR Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Challenge (AVSEC-2): https://challenge.cogmhear.org/


AVSEC sets the first benchmark in the field of audio-visual speech enhancement, providing a carefully designed dataset and scalable protocol for human listening evaluation of AV-SE systems. We expect the challenge to bring together interdisciplinary research teams to advance the field of AV-SE and to provide further insight about the scope and limitations of current AV-SE approaches.


Results and further information about the 1st edition can be found here:




AVSEC-2 will be part of ASRU Special Sessions: http://www.asru2023.org/


--- Timeline ---


The proposed timeline is as follows:


1st February 2023: Release of training and development data.

15th-18th of May 2023: Release of baseline system.

15th-18th of May 2023: Evaluation data release.

22nd of May 2023: Leaderboard open for submissions.

3rd July 2023: Submission deadline for evaluation; ASRU paper submission deadline.

10th July 2023: ASRU Paper revision deadline

August/September 2023: Evaluation with human participants.

15th September 2023: Early results release

30th September 2023: ASRU camera ready submission deadline.

16th-20th December 2023: ASRU 2023.


We invite you to download the datasets and to take part in this new edition of the challenge.



Best regards



Dr. Dorothy Hardy (She/her)

Research Fellow and Research Programme Manager

COG-MHEAR research programme: Future Hearing Technology

Edinburgh Napier University, UK


Email: D.Hardy@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Web: COG-MHEAR (cogmhear.org)


Office hours: Mon, Tue, Thur 10.30 – 16.30; Wed 14.00 – 16.30


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